The following article by Melissa Boteach and Rachel West was posted on the Center for American Progress website January 27, 2017:

President Donald Trump speaks at the House and Senate GOP lawmakers’ annual policy retreat in Philadelphia, January 26, 2017.
President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; as late as this past week, he promised “insurance for everybody.” But days later, he reneged on that promise, coming out in support of a Medicaid block grant, which is code for massive cuts to Medicaid that would strip millions of seniors, children, people with disabilities, and working families of health care coverage while shifting the costs onto the states. In total, the Medicaid plan that President Trump’s nominee for secretary of health and human services championed as chair of the House Budget Committee is estimated to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid over 10 years and kick up to 20 million people off their health coverage. Continue reading “President Trump Plans to Cut Health Coverage to Pay for Tax Cuts for Millionaires”