Minnesota House passes Rep. Moran’s ‘CROWN Act’ prohibiting discrimination based on hairstyle

House DFL logoSAINT PAUL – Today, the Minnesota House of Representatives approved the CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Act, authored by Rep. Rena Moran (DFL – Saint Paul), which would add a provision to the Minnesota Human Rights Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of hair appearance and texture.

“The CROWN Act will empower future generations to not be ashamed of how their hair looks or worry about what people in powerful positions might think of it, but instead give them the opportunity to fully embrace their heritage,” Rep. Moran said. “All Black Minnesotans should be proud of their heritage, which is reflected in their natural hairstyles. No one should be forced to change their natural hair just to conform to antiquated norms and standards, or unjust policies at school or work. The CROWN Act will end this in our state, and I’m grateful for the support of community members who helped this legislation get passed today.”

While the state’s Human Rights Act already prohibits discrimination based on race, discrimination of someone wearing their hair in a culturally-appropriate manner – like braids, dreadlocks, or twists – is not. The CROWN Act would extend this protection to many areas of law covered by the Minnesota Human Rights Act, including public services and accommodations, education, housing and employment. Continue reading “Minnesota House passes Rep. Moran’s ‘CROWN Act’ prohibiting discrimination based on hairstyle”