EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s claim that the U.S. is ‘leading the world’ in ‘C02 footprint’ reductions

The following article by Nicole Lewis was posted on the Washington Post website October 23, 2017:

Environmental Protection Agency Administer Scott Pruitt boasted of America’s shirking CO2 footprint, but he neglected to mention that the country is also among the world’s highest emitters. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

“We are leading the nation — excuse me — the world with respect to our CO2 footprint in reductions.”
— Scott Pruitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, during an interview on Fox News’s “Your World,” Oct. 17, 2017

“We have reduced our CO2 footprint by over 18 percent, almost 20 percent, from 2000 to 2014.”
— Pruitt, remarks during an interview on Fox News’s “Your World,” Oct. 17

When the host of “Your World” pressed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on his views on climate change, Pruitt dodged the question and instead spoke about President Trump’s reasons for leaving the Paris climate accords. He expressed frustration that “China and India didn’t have to take any steps with CO2 reductions until the year 2030,” before asserting that the United States was a leader in reducing carbon emissions. Continue reading “EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s claim that the U.S. is ‘leading the world’ in ‘C02 footprint’ reductions”