North Carolina Super PAC Supporting Erik Paulsen Tells People to Vote November 8th

As millions in out of state money pours in for Paulsen, conservative ClearPath Action Fund muddies the waters, confuses voters

Eden Prairie, MNClearPath Action Fund (CPA) is a super PAC based in Washington, D.C. and North Carolina currently running digital ads as part of a six-figure effort to support the reelection Congressman Erik Paulsen in MN03. CPA is financed with untraceable money from the ClearPath Foundation (CPF), a 501(c)(3).

Millions of dollars in outside spending by super PACs and untraceable dark money in support of Erik Paulsen will attempt to mislead, distract, and skew in his favor, but these digital ads on Facebook muddied the waters in a different way – by providing an incorrect date for Election Day.

This ad is just another example what can happen when outside spending by super PACs with no interest in what’s best for Minnesota are allowed to influence our elections. Continue reading “North Carolina Super PAC Supporting Erik Paulsen Tells People to Vote November 8th”