Inequality on Apple’s doorstep: how the GOP tax bill could worsen the divide

The following article by Sam Levin was posted on the Guardian website December 15, 2017:

In Cupertino, the world’s most valuable company could reap enormous benefits from Republicans’ plan – even as the measure threatens sorely needed affordable housing and healthcare benefits for local residents

Hector Chavez and Yvonne Scott: ‘Money has not trickled down to us.’
Photograph: Sam Levin for the Guardian

Yvonne Scott feels like she’s trapped in a cell. The 65-year-old and her husband, Hector Chavez, 60, have been living in their car for nearly a year since they were evicted, parking each night in church and grocery store lots in the shadows of Silicon Valley.

“It’s like being incarcerated, being enclosed. You can’t move freely. No bathroom,” Scott said. “It’s dangerous. We don’t belong in a vehicle.” Continue reading “Inequality on Apple’s doorstep: how the GOP tax bill could worsen the divide”