The following article by Gabby Kaufman was posted on the Yahoo News website August 9, 2017:

There’s no evidence President Trump, in his Twitter persona of @realDonaldTrump, has been paying any attention to Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., or even to @tedlieu. He hasn’t replied to any of the second-term congressman’s provocative tweets, hasn’t bothered to insult or attack him and hasn’t unleashed on him the army of trollbots supposedly working in the service of the Trump campaign.
Others are paying attention — Lieu’s 337,000 followers, at least, representing an increase of hundreds of thousands in the months since he began his campaign of answering the deluge of bombast and untruths from the president’s Twitter account with his own stern correctives.
It’s a thankless job — unless you are, say, a certain 48-year-old minority-party backbencher from Torrance who has been rewarded with newfound stature in his party and increased face time on cable news.
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