Tag: Betsy DeVos
The DeVos Dynasty: A Family of Extremists
The following article by Catherine Brown and Ulrich Boser was posted on the Center for American Progress website January 23, 2017:

On Tuesday, Betsy DeVos appeared in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to be considered for the country’s next secretary of education. In her hearing, DeVos tried to present herself as a run-of-the-mill school advocate and a thoughtful visionary who uses a research-based approach to improving schools and enhancing children’s wellbeing. But a closer look at DeVos’s background—and the transcript from Tuesday night’s hearing—shows that she instead represents an extremist, right-wing perspective. Continue reading “The DeVos Dynasty: A Family of Extremists”
Betsy DeVos: Hasn’t she donated enough?
Conflicts of DeVos
Donald Trump, Betsy DeVos, and a Pay-to-Play Nomination
The following article by Ulrich Boser, Marcella Bombardieri and CJ Libassi was posted on the Center for American Progress’ website January 12, 2017:

Billionaire activist Betsy DeVos and her family have given a massive $4 million to the Republicans who will decide whether to confirm her as Trump’s secretary of education, according to a new analysis by the authors.
DeVos’ hearing begins this Wednesday, and her family has donated a quarter of a million dollars alone to the members of the education committee who are tasked with vetting her nomination. The DeVos family has given a total of more than $950,000 to 21 senators who will have the opportunity to vote on her confirmation. Continue reading “Conflicts of DeVos”
Inside Donald Trump’s Extremist Education Agenda
The following article by Jeff Bryant was posted on the Alternet website January 5, 2017:
The Hillsdale College connection links Trump to the right-wing evangelical community of Betsy DeVos.
Donald Trump’s election to the U.S. presidency left education policy experts at a complete loss to explain what this would mean for the nation’s schools. During his campaign, Trump gave few clues about what would inform his education leadership, only that he had some antipathy for the Department of Education, he was no fan of Common Core and he would advocate for more “school choice.” Continue reading “Inside Donald Trump’s Extremist Education Agenda”