Justice Dept. Asks for Identifying Details on Anonymous Op-Ed Author

New York Times logoThe writer, a senior Trump administration official, plans to write a book to be published this month.

The Justice Department is demanding identifying details about the senior Trump administration official who denounced the president in a New York Times Op-Ed last year under the byline Anonymous, according to a letter from a senior law enforcement official on Monday ahead of a forthcoming book by the still-unnamed writer.

Assistant Attorney General Joseph H. Hunt asked the book’s publisher and the author’s book agents for proof that the official never signed a nondisclosure agreement and had no access to classified information. Absent that evidence, Mr. Hunt asked that they hand over information about where the person worked in the government, and when.

“If the author is, in fact, a current or former ‘senior official’ in the Trump administration, publication of the book may violate that official’s legal obligations under one or more nondisclosure agreements,” Mr. Hunt wrote to Carol Ross of the Hachette Book Group, which is publishing Anonymous’s book, and to Matt Latimer and Keith Urbahn, the agents for the former self-described senior official.

View the complete November 4 article by Maggie Haberman on The New York Times website here.

Don’t forget Bill Barr: He’s running the Justice Department like it’s the legal arm of the Trump Organization

AlterNet logoWhen the smoke finally clears from the impeachment morass, we’ll still have the case of the Justice Department that Attorney General William P. Barr has turned into a personal law firm to protect Donald Trump.

There have been almost daily developments showing that Barr’s Justice Department has been extending its efforts to provide both justifiable and legally questionable efforts to shield Trump, to pursue investigations into the actions of critics of the president and to interpret anything in the legal area in the president’s favor.

In short, Barr has become more Trump’s lawyer than America’s chief criminal law enforcement officer.

View the complete October 13 article by Terry Schwadron from DC Report on the AlterNet website here.