Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks

The following article by Anthony Zyercher was posted on the website February 28, 2017:

US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national security leaks.

He told Fox News: “I think President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it”, but added: “I also think it’s just politics”.

Mr Trump offered no evidence for his claims; his predecessor in the White House has not commented.

Mr Trump also spoke about his budget plans and other issues.

In his wide-ranging interview with Fox News’ programme Fox and Friends, he said: Continue reading “Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks”

Trump Criticized Obama for Golfing. Now He Spends Weekends on the Links.

The following article by Erin McCann was posted on the New York Times website February 12, 2017:

As a private citizen, Donald J. Trump was repeatedly critical of President Obama’s fondness for relaxing with a round of golf.

“Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.” Mr. Trump tweeted on Oct. 13, 2014. “Worse than Carter.”

“We pay for Obama’s travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies,” he said a day later. “Then we pay for his golf.” Continue reading “Trump Criticized Obama for Golfing. Now He Spends Weekends on the Links.”

Obama rejects comparison between Trump’s immigration policy and his own, encourages protests

The following article by Juliet Ellperin was posted on the Washington Post website January 30, 2017:

Then-President Barack Obama holds a year-end news conference in Washington, D.C., Dec. 16, 2016. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Trump has said that his move to ban the entry of migrants from seven Muslim-majority countries into the United States, and to suspend temporarily the admission of refugees, was based in part on a decision in 2011 by then-President Obama to ban the admission of Iraqis to the country after evidence surfaced that two Iraqis seeking resettlement had been linked to terrorist activity in their homeland. The Obama and Trump administrations also identified the same seven countries as harboring terrorism threats. Continue reading “Obama rejects comparison between Trump’s immigration policy and his own, encourages protests”

Repealing the ACA without a Replacement — The Risks to American Health Care

The following commentary by former President Barack Obama was posted on the New England Journal of Medicine website January 26, 2017:

Health care policy often shifts when the country’s leadership changes. That was true when I took office, and it will likely be true with President-elect Donald Trump. I am proud that my administration’s work, through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other policies, helped millions more Americans know the security of health care in a system that is more effective and efficient. At the same time, there is more work to do to ensure that all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care. What the past 8 years have taught us is that health care reform requires an evidence-based, careful approach, driven by what is best for the American people. That is why Republicans’ plan to repeal the ACA with no plan to replace and improve it is so reckless. Rather than jeopardize financial security and access to care for tens of millions of Americans, policymakers should develop a plan to build on what works before they unravel what is in place. Continue reading “Repealing the ACA without a Replacement — The Risks to American Health Care”

How The Press Never Stopped Blaming Obama For Radical GOP Obstruction

The following article by Eric Boehlert was posted on the Media Matters website January 19, 2017:

Right on cue, as President Obama readies his exit from office, The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza this week published a misguided critique of the Democrat’s two terms. His analysis focused specifically on Obama’s broken “promise” and parroted a favorite Beltway media talking point: Both sides are to blame for the federal government being mired in “partisan gridlock” during his eight years, and it’s largely Obama’s fault he didn’t “fix” politics. Obama didn’t create “a government that worked for all of us”; he failed to create “something new, different and better,” wrote Cillizza.

Cillizza acknowledges that “Democrats immediately point to the fact that congressional Republicans, almost from the first day of Obama’s time in the White House, made opposing him a political strategy,” but dismisses it as being the primary cause for the partisan mess. (In Cillizza’s view, it’s both sides’ supposed culpability for the failed “grand bargain” in 2011 that serves as the key event.) Continue reading “How The Press Never Stopped Blaming Obama For Radical GOP Obstruction”