Statement from Speaker Hortman

House DFL logoSAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA — House Speaker Melissa Hortman released the following statement:

“Due to the fact that I taught three courses at the University of Minnesota between the fall of 2015 and spring of 2017, I have asked House Research to retain outside counsel to respond to Representatives Swedzinski and Daudt’s inquiries about Representative Long’s employment at the University of Minnesota.”

“House Research will work with the Majority Leader and Minority Leader on this matter.”

Speaker Hortman taught “Climate Change and Energy Law, Science and Policy: Local to Global Perspectives” with Ellen Anderson in the fall of 2015, “International Climate Change Policy: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22)” with Ellen Anderson in the fall of 2016, and “Pathways to Renewable Energy” with Paul Imbertson in the Spring of 2017.