Statement from DFL Chairman Ken Martin on Last Night’s Floor Session

“Rep. Greg Davids (R-Presston) has called for an apology from House DFL Leader Melissa Hortman for voicing the frustration that many Minnesotans feel: that women, and particularly women of color, are ignored.

“Rep. Hortman’s comments bring attention to the fact that it is not only women of color who are being ignored this session by Republicans’ actions, it is the thousands of disabled and vulnerable Minnesotans who will lose life-changing services; at-risk youth who will start school far behind their peers without an expansion in universal pre-school; and workers who rely on transit to get to and from work to provide for their families.

“If anyone is owed an apology this session, it is the Minnesotans who will be hurt by the Republicans’ proposed budget.”

Categories: State Issues
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