Speaker Hortman (HD36B) Update: May 6, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

The Minnesota House of Representatives has been busy the last few weeks, working to pass our Minnesota Values Budget off of the House floor. Now conference committees have started meeting to work through the differences between the House and Senate budget bills.

Here’s a quick update.

Full Minnesota Values Budget passed off the House floor

We have passed our full Minnesota Values Budget, offering our vision of a Minnesota that works better for everyone. The House DFL budget will strengthen communities across the state through honest investments to improve education opportunities, support our families, and increase economic prosperity no matter where in the state you live or what you look like.

We are investing in the people of Minnesota, because we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed. Here are just some of the provisions in our budget to improve the lives of Minnesotans:

  • Historic investments in education — investing in every child in every public school, early childhood, and support for our students
  • College tuition freeze
  • Health care discounts directly to consumers instead of handouts to insurance companies
  • Paving the way for a public option in health care
  • Addressing skyrocketing prescription drug prices
  • Paid family and medical leave
  • Earned sick and safe time
  • Preventing wage theft
  • Honest, long-term, sustainable investments in transportation
  • Gun violence prevention, including criminal background checks and extreme risk protection orders
  • Protecting Minnesotans from sexual harassment
  • Driver’s Licenses for All
  • Tax fairness, closing corporate tax loopholes and asking the wealthy to pay their fair share
  • Making it easier to vote, improving campaign finance accountability, and improving election security
  • Protecting our water and air, and tackling some of the toughest environmental issues facing our state
  • 100% clean energy by 2050

We can continue down the Republican path of tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, leading to more income inequality, teacher layoffs, potholes, and Minnesotans losing health care and basic economic security. The better choice is to follow the DFL path to improve tax fairness and make honest investments in the things Minnesotans value: affordable health care, great schools, safe and inclusive communities, and reliable roads, bridges, and transit.

As we approach the final weeks of the legislative session, House DFLers will continue working for a Minnesota that works better for all of us.

Eliminating the marital rape exception

Governor Walz signing legislation repealing the marital rape exception

Governor Walz signed HF 15 into law last Thursday. This repeals the marital rape exception, also known as the voluntary relationship defense, which makes it impossible to prosecute people for rape under certain circumstances if the victim was married to the rapist. The bill passed the House unanimously in February, but didn’t pass in the Senate until last week.

This law was championed through the entire legislative process by Jenny Teeson. During her divorce, Teeson discovered footage showing that her ex-husband had drugged and sexually assaulted her while they were married. Unknown to her, Minnesota had a statute that allowed those charged with sexually assaulting their partner or spouse to use the voluntary relationship as a legal defense.

You can read more here.

Night to Unite/National Night Out party registration
It’s only May, but it’s not too early to start thinking about hosting a neighborhood party for Night to Unite/National Night Out, which will take place on Tuesday, August 6th.

Night to Unite (also known as National Night Out) is a coordinated community-building event with a goal of strengthening community bonds between public safety departments and the community.

Night to Unite party registration is underway in Coon Rapids. Register your party by June 14, 2019 to be entered into a drawing to win cool prizes! There are many benefits to registering: visits from Police or Fire Departments, a swag bag and Night to Unite t-shirts for all party hosts. You can learn more here.

Registration for Brooklyn Park’s National Night Out begins on June 1st. You can learn more here.

Apply for appointments to state councils, committees, boards, and commissions
There are hundreds of vacancies for various state boards, councils and committees that are accepting applications. I encourage you to look through the openings, apply for positions that fit your skills or interests, and serve your community and state! You can find all of the vacancies at the Secretary of State’s website.

As always, please contact me anytime with your input. I appreciate hearing from you! You can reach me at 651-296-4280 or at rep.melissa.hortman@house.mn. You can also keep up with what’s happening at the Capitol by liking my legislative Facebook page. Thank you.


Melissa Hortman

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