Senate DFL Week in Review: September 19, 2021

Senate DFL announces 2021 legislative priorities

As the most diverse caucus in the history of the Minnesota Senate, Senate DFLers offer a vision for a better Minnesota with priorities that will improve people’s lives and protect their fundamental rights. This week, members of the Senate DFL held a press conference to announce their priorities for the 2021 legislative session. Their goal is to be committed to work together to build the state all Minnesotans deserve. Read more >>

Minnesota launches the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector

A new tool launched this week will help Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine. Current eligibility for vaccines is still limited to Minnesotans over 65, health care workers, long-term care residents, childcare, and K-12 personnel, but the Vaccine Connector will be a helpful way to notify other Minnesotans once it’s their turn to get a shot and connect them to resources to schedule an appointment. Read more >>

Bill to reopen schools provides no resources to help with pandemic

Legislation passed this week in the Minnesota Senate that would prohibit future governor’s from directly safeguarding schools and students during peacetime emergencies. The bill provides no re-opening plans or resources for districts to use to keep students and staff safe. Although there have been seven special sessions in 2020, no hearings were held on school re-openings or other plans to help school districts with pandemic protocols or procedures. Read more >>

Senate DFL 2021 session priorities