Senate DFL Week in Review: February 28, 2020


DFL House, Senate Republicans Contrasting Priorities 
and everything happening in the Legislature this week.



House, Senate progress shows stark contrast in priorities

The DFL-led House of Representatives passed bills to address the insulin crisis, data privacy concerns for voters, and access to firearms. The Republican-led Senate passed no major bills and discussed none of these urgent topics in committee. Read more >>



Senate DFL urges caution when investing in one-time money

Minnesota Management and Budget presented their February forecast this week, which estimates a $1.513 billion budgetary balance, all of which is one-time spending. The latest >>



Senate Republicans Photo ID Voter Suppression passes

Senate Republicans pushed through a controversial voter ID bill this week, which could reduce turnout in Minnesota elections by tens of thousands of voters. Continue reading >>




Senate DFL Week in Review


Rural Finance Authority Funding moving in the Senate

Bill to provide ongoing funding for broadband

Reducing public education funding for a for-profit company Legislation to address our PCA shortages
Update of wage theft legislation Senate DFLers committed to protecting privacy

Raising the age to purchase tobacco

Senate Republicans burning daylight on low-priority legislation
Thousands of taxpayers eligible to file for free POCI Caucus unveils 2020 legislative priorities

Safety of family farms is a Senate DFL priority

African Heritage Rally