Week of February 12th – 16th
This past Wednesday, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School suffered a colossal tragedy; 17 adults and children were killed by gunfire from a former student. This disaster is part of a long line of preventable mass shootings, and has painfully revived the dialogue surrounding gun violence prevention.
We’ve had this conversation too many times for evil of this magnitude to resurface so frequently. America is averaging one school shooting perweek. It’s time for action.
Here at the capitol, we’re trying to push three bills: SF 1261, 1262, and 1263. These bills would, respectively, strengthen the background check system, remove guns against those petitioned against (of which I’m a co-author), and create grants for gun awareness and safety. These are necessary steps for building an able foundation for a stronger, safer Minnesota.
Sympathy, though necessary, does not substitute for effort. In addition to work here in Minnesota, please contact your federal elected officials to demand sensible gun control.
- Erik Paulsen
- Amy Klobuchar
- 612-727-5220 (Minneapolis office)
- Contact Form
- Tina Smith phone and email
- (651) 221-1016 (St. Paul Office)
- Contact Form
May we slowly unveil a durable, safe future for our youth. Your voice, along with mine, will see the demonstrable affect of our virtue. The time is now.
You can view more of my thoughts by clicking HERE.
Former students at the capitol
Former Student Lila Sahar came to visit. It’s always my honor to be able to be in the presence of someone so amicable and bright. Go on to do great things, Lila.
Former student, Abdinasir Nourkadi, has begun his internship with my office this week. The height gap between us is as great as his personality and warm smile.
Reading at Gatewood Elementary
On a brighter note, I was given the incredible opportunity of visiting Gatewood Elementary last Friday, to read to various classes of students. In honor of Black History Month, I respectfully exposed these inspiring sixth graders to the activism and history American black history. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and being given the opportunity to read to these amazing kids.
A special thank you goes out to the people that made this happen. Specifically,thank you to the organizers, volunteers, parents, and especially the students. I hope to be back someday!
You can check out my video reflection by clicking, HERE!
Congratulations to some great people in SD 48

Congratulations to the Eden Prairie’s Acts of Random Kindness group for a successful fundraiser. The group dedicated this fundraiser towards helping young adults with fiscal/school related issues. They raised an amazing $5000! Great job to everyone involved.
It’s very exciting to see CMS’s very own, Ryan Stoltz, work as a reporter during the 52nd annual Super Bowl. Ryan was picked by the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps to report on their behalf for the largest annual sporting event, in the world! Great job, Ryan.