Republicans won’t go back to ‘normal’ after Trump

The planned retirement of Texas Republican Congressman Will Hurd has shaken Republican circles in more than one way. Most notably, it has turned GOP jitters over the possibility of Texas becoming a blue state in 2020 into a full-blown panic. There has been a wave of Republican retirements in Texas, and the statistics on voter shifts are looking ominous unless Trump’s party can somehow win back suburban voters they are hemorrhaging. The loss of incumbents in vulnerable districts puts Republican efforts to claw their way back to a House majority even deeper in the hole.

The planned retirement of Texas Republican Congressman Will Hurd has shaken Republican circles in more than one way. Most notably, it has turned GOP jitters over the possibility of Texas becoming a blue state in 2020 into a full-blown panic. There has been a wave of Republican retirements in Texas, and the statistics on voter shifts are looking ominous unless Trump’s party can somehow win back suburban voters they are hemorrhaging. The loss of incumbents in vulnerable districts puts Republican efforts to claw their way back to a House majority even deeper in the hole.

The planned retirement of Texas Republican Congressman Will Hurd has shaken Republican circles in more than one way. Most notably, it has turned GOP jitters over the possibility of Texas becoming a blue state in 2020 into a full-blown panic. There has been a wave of Republican retirements in Texas, and the statistics on voter shifts are looking ominous unless Trump’s party can somehow win back suburban voters they are hemorrhaging. The loss of incumbents in vulnerable districts puts Republican efforts to claw their way back to a House majority even deeper in the hole.

View the complete August 3 article by David Atkins from The Washington Monthly on the AlterNet website here.

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