Republicans are terrified people will watch impeachment hearings as Democrats make a compelling case

On the first day of impeachment hearings in the House Judiciary Committee, following the fact-collection hearings last month held by the House Intelligence Committee, one thing was certain: Republicans are terrified that people might actually watch this thing. From the very beginning of the hearing, GOP members kept throwing out BS procedural objections and forcing votes, clearly hoping that curious viewers would get bored and turn the hearings off before hearing any testimony.

We’d better hope it didn’t work. While some (including myself) feared that Wednesday’s hearing — featuring four law professors talking about the legal and historical aspects of impeachment — was going to be boring, it was actually as interesting, if not more so at points, than the direct witness testimony heard in November.

Instead of getting mired in legal dithering, the three law professors called by Democrats were clear as a summer’s day in their opinions: Donald Trump’s behavior is absolutely impeachable, and furthermore stopping presidents from doing what he did was the main reason why the founding fathers wrote impeachment powers into the damn Constitution in the first place.

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