Rep. Zack Stephenson (HD36A) Update: April 27, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you and your family staying well.

House committees continue to hold remote public hearings to discuss additional measures that provide flexibility to Minnesotans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week, one of those measures was my bill that would deliver additional assistance to our small businesses.

Multiple news reports have shown that the economic relief measures passed by the federal government have largely gone to big business and the well-connected, leaving small businesses hung out to dry. That is why I am authoring legislation that would provide small businesses with much needed support. My bill reserves money for the smallest of the small: businesses with 6 employees or less. I am pleased to tell you that it passed out of the House Jobs Committee on Friday. You can watch my opening remarks here. Whether a business survives the pandemic should not depend on whether they have a high-powered lobbyist or a huge legal department.

Virtual Town Hall-Thursday at Noon

This Thursday at noon, I’ll be hosting another Zoom Town Hall Meeting. Here are the details:

Access the meeting here:

Meeting ID: 811 2011 4079
Call in: +1 312 626 6799


I hope you can join us!

Keep in Touch

Please continue to call or email anytime with questions or input. My cell phone number is 763-370-9000.

If you haven’t already, I invite you to ‘like’ or ‘follow’ my official Facebook page for additional updates and news.

Have a good week.


Zack Stephenson
State Representative