MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA – Rep. Dean Phillips released the following statement today:
“As I stated after news first broke of his death, I’m saddened, I’m angry, and I’m horrified by the brutality that needlessly ended George Floyd’s life on May 25th. There can be no justification for the actions taken by the officer shown in the video, and I thank Minneapolis Police Chief Arradondo for his swift action in firing him and the others who stood by while Mr. Floyd struggled to breathe and repeatedly cried for help.
I also join my colleagues in the federal delegation, led by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, in calling for a swift and exhaustive investigation at all levels of law enforcement – including at the federal level. Mr. Floyd’s family deserves justice. My hope is that by fully prosecuting this case in pursuit of that, we can also begin to seriously address the inequities in our criminal justice system and focus on saving lives, including the lives of black people who have suffered disproportionately under it for centuries.
George Floyd’s life mattered. We as Minnesotans cannot tolerate the kind of behavior that was on display in that video, nor can we tolerate any behavior that demeans and devalues human beings based on the color of their skin. Tragically, it is too late for George Floyd and his family – but may his memory be a blessing, and may it inspire us all to do whatever in our power to ensure that this never happens again.”