Dear Neighbors,
I hope the beginning of summer is treating you well and that you’ve had a chance to enjoy some of the great activities our community has to offer. I was able to stop by a pie sale and concert at Plymouth at the Hilde this afternoon!

Work Continues at the Capitol
Our work at the Capitol continues to keep me busy. House DFLers are working hard to find common ground with Senate Republicans and finalize a budget for the next two years. I’m participating in the negotiations as a member of the Commerce and Energy Conference Committee in addition to advocating for our community. While there’s more work to be done, we’re committed to completing the state budget and ensuring Minnesotans have the resources they need to rebuild and thrive.
Rental Assistance is Now Available
Help is available for low- and moderate-income Minnesotans who are struggling to pay their rent or utility bills. If you’ve experienced challenges due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for emergency assistance. To find out if you qualify and determine what documents you’ll need to apply, visit www.renthelpmn.org and download the renter checklist. RentHelpMN is currently accepting applications from those who owe back rent, but all Minnesotans who are eligible will be able to apply at a later date. Assistance is available for landlords as well.

Explore Our State Parks
All 75 of Minnesota’s state parks and recreation areas are offering free admission on Saturday, June 12. It’s a great opportunity to return to your favorite places or visit a new spot! A map of all of our state parks is available here. If you’d like to learn more about one of them, you can click on the name for more information.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance. You can contact me at rep.patty.acomb@house.mn or 651-296-9934.
Patty Acomb
State Representative