Rep. Mike Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 30, 2019

A Capitol update is available in Hmong here.


Since we returned from Easter/Passover break we’ve been working on major components of our state budget, carefully reviewing each provision to improve access to affordable health care, great schools, and safe roads. Here’s an overview.

Health Care 
We approved the Health and Human Services budget late Thursday night. Health care costs and accessibility is something that has been on the top of the minds of many people in our community. This budget strengthens health care for all Minnesotans by lowering the cost of care, making drug prices more affordable by holding Big Pharma accountable and addressing health disparities.

The House DFL’s HHS budget increases funding for Minnesota’s only program that serves low-income families with children and pregnant women (Minnesota Family Investment Program) for the first time in 33 years. It invests in cultural competency for mental health services, increases funding for child protection in our tribal communities, and includes grants to improve child development outcomes for people of color.

Our E-12 budget invests in every student in every public school across the state. We know that our kids start learning long before kindergarten — and that Minnesota suffers from one of the largest achievement gaps in the country. We’re investing in our youngest learners to make sure every child gets off to a great start.

Jobs & Energy
Last week, the House passed the Jobs and Energy budget (HF 2208). It includes access to paid family and medical leave, earned sick and safe time for all Minnesotans, tougher protections for the 39,000 Minnesotans who report wage theft every year, and a pathway to adopt 100 percent carbon-free energy by 2050.

Minnesotans deserve a tax system that’s fair and provides the resources our state needs to succeed. The House DFL tax bill gets us there by leveling the playing field for working families, farmers, senior citizens, and small businesses. It holds corporations accountable for using tax loopholes and offshore tax havens to get out of paying their share while they take home record profits. WCCO has coverage of House Democrats’ tax bill here.

Last night we approved a transportation budget that makes responsible investments to fix our state’s roads, bridges, and transit. The American Society of Civil Engineers rated Minnesota’s roads as “D+” on their most recent infrastructure report card. Bridges received a “C” and transit was awarded a “C-.”

The House DFL Majority’s transportation budget prioritizes better access to transit for Minnesotans who need to get to work, school, and to just live their lives.

Today we’ll be going over the budget bill I put together as chair of the State Government Committee, and you can follow along by watching here.

Please reach out if there’s anything I can do for you. Have a great week.

Rep. Michael V. Nelson