Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: May 18, 2020


Late last night, the 2020 Legislative Session officially ended, with today’s business reserved for speeches from retiring members. Though session has concluded, it’s likely my colleagues and I will meet for a special session, possibly in June. With the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s possible we may need to meet to extend Governor Walz’s peacetime state of emergency, or to complete unfinished legislative business from this year – be it a jobs and local projects bill, or additional economic security measures for Minnesotans.

This was certainly an unprecedented session at the legislature, with the bulk of it taking place remotely. I’m extremely proud of the bipartisan measures we were able to pass, especially in our initial response to the virus, that were able to help Minnesota prepare for this pandemic. More work remains to be done, but you can read about our accomplishments and goals below:

Stay Connected

For the latest news and up-to-date information on the pandemic, please visit the state’s COVID-19 Dashboard. The Minnesota House website also has a COVID-19 section with information and links to helpful resources. If you have any questions about what we’ve worked on in the Minnesota House this year, or our goals for the future, please feel free to contact me at (651) 296-3751 or rep.michael.nelson@house.mn.


Rep. Michael V. Nelson

Data and Research Manager: