Rep. Michael Howard (HD50A) Update: March 8, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

We’re coming to the halfway point for this year’s legislative session. Here’s an update on what’s been going on at the State Capitol this week.

Insulin for All

Minnesotans from across the state rallied at the State Capitol against the immoral cost of insulin. They are making headway in this fight against Big Pharma by sharing powerful stories about the struggle to afford life-saving medication that has tripled in price in the last decade.
Later that same day in the House Commerce Committee we passed a series of bills to make insulin more affordable and accessible, including the Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act. Legislators in both parties listened intently as Nicole Smith-Holt and James Holt told the story of their son, who passed away because he was rationing his insulin because he couldn’t afford the more than $1,000 a month bill.

No one in our state should ever lose their life because they can’t afford the insulin they need to survive. No one should have to choose between paying for groceries or being healthy. This important fight gained momentum this week and I thank Minnesotans across the state – especially Nicole and James – for speaking truth-to-power in order to make change happen.

You can read more about our Insulin for All Day at the Capitol here.

Restore the Vote

The House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Committee heard testimony this week on legislation to restore the right to vote to felons once they have been released from incarceration. This bipartisan legislation isn’t an urban or rural issue, but one that impacts Minnesotans all over our state. If we expect those who have made mistakes and done their time to integrate back into society, that should include restoring their civic right to vote. You can read more about this bill here.

Equal Rights Amendment – ERA

Yesterday, I proudly voted to add the Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution. It’s a simple enough amendment; the ERA would constitutionally establish equality under the law, regardless of gender. This legislation has a long history with Minnesota and our country, but now is the time to take action. Assumed equality is not enough.

Because this is a constitutional amendment, should it pass the House and Senate, you would decide. A ballot initiative would be part of the 2020 election, meaning that voters in Minnesota would have the power to include gender equality in our state’s Constitution.

You can read more about the ERA here.

Stay In Touch

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or comments on the legislative process. You can reach me at rep.michael.howard@house.mn, or at (651) 296-7158. I look forward to hearing from you


Michael Howard

Categories: SD50
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