Rep. Michael Howard (HD50A) Update: March 19, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

In the midst of the COVID-19 global epidemic, our efforts at the State Capitol continue to focus on ways to prepare for and address the virus. Our most recent work has largely been on ensuring Minnesota’s public health system is properly funded, and while that will always be a priority, we need to start seriously thinking about the other ways this pandemic is impacting the lives of Minnesotans.

One piece of legislation I’m working on would place a statewide moratorium on evictions while also providing emergency housing assistance to thousands of Minnesotans who may face housing instability during epidemic.

Hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans may face housing instability by the end of this month, threatening their own security, wellbeing and the health of the public. Some of Minnesota’s most vulnerable, people with disabilities and seniors, are at risk. It is vital that we respond proactively to this looming housing crisis to ensure all Minnesotans can stay in their homes, stay safe, and in turn, help keep all of us safe.

I wrote about other potential measures we’re working on in a previous update, such as legislation banning price gouging and ensuring workers are compensated.

Executive Orders

By declaring a peacetime state of emergency, Governor Walz has several impactful tools at his disposal that he’s able to use without legislative approval, and I applaud the tough but necessary decisions that have been made in the past week. You can read the specifics of Governor Walz’s recent Executive Orders below:

Stay Informed

As always, the Minnesota Department of Health remains your best source of accurate, up-to-date information on COVID-19 in our community. You can also find a very useful compilation of numbers and links to help answer various pandemic-related questions.

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development also shared an update on resources available for our state’s businesses, which you can find here.

If you have any questions for me on our efforts in the Minnesota Legislature, feel free to reach out via phone, (651) 296-7158, or email, I look forward to hearing from you.

Be kind to one another (from a recommended 6 feet) and wash your hands.

In partnership,

Michael Howard