Dear Neighbors,
We’re buttoning up budget bills in the House and conference committees have begun to meet. These committees are comprised of five House members and five Senate members to reconcile differences within each major area of the budget; ie. Taxes, Education, Transportation, etc. I’m pleased to share I’ve been appointed to the Environment and Natural Resources Conference Committee. I’m looking forward to this new opportunity in the House.
We have much work to do to ensure protections for our land, water and wildlife so that they will thrive for generations to come. The House omnibus includes my bill to create stable funding to research, prevent and treat aquatic invasive species in our lakes and another to continue the popular Lawns to Legumes program.
PolyMet Halted!
It was a big day for clean water and the people of Minnesota this week with the Minnesota Supreme Court’s decision to return one of the PolyMet mining permits to the Department of Natural Resources. The decision reflects Minnesotans’ strong tradition and values of protecting our unique and nationally treasured Boundary Waters. The acid mine drainage that results from copper sulfide mining has no place in lakes, streams, and rivers. Science has shown that copper sulfide mining carries a significant threat of water pollution, which can have serious public health impacts. Minnesotans deserve transparency about the permitting process, and the Supreme Court decision yesterday provides a path forward for permanent protection for future generations.

Health and Human Services Budget Passes
Late Monday, the Minnesota House passed its Health and Human Services Budget aimed at building a better health system for Minnesotans after the COVID-19 pandemic. The budget strengthens our public health systems, addresses health inequities, makes prescription drugs more affordable, and expands coverage for low-income Minnesotans. The bill also includes needed investments in affordable child care for Minnesota families. As a member of the Health Finance and Policy and the Preventive Health Policy Committees, I was honored to contribute to crafting the final health and human services budget package.
One significant area in the budget includes provisions to improve maternal and infant outcomes. My bill to extend postpartum coverage from 60 days to 12 months for women covered by Medical Assistance (MA) fills a gap in Minnesota’s health insurance coverage and helps babies get off to the best possible start by ensuring that their mothers get the care they need to be healthy.
The final bill also includes my bipartisan Minnesota Telehealth Act, which continues and expands telehealth options post-pandemic. Telehealth has been one of the few silver linings of the pandemic. Patients have experienced increased convenience and saved time and money. Telehealth has also improved access to care for those without reliable broadband or access to video technology.
To improve COVID-19 vaccine access for all, I chief authored a bill that is also included that promotes equitable vaccine distribution and includes outreach campaigns, community assistance, and a mobile vaccination program. This bill also includes investments in Minnesota’s public health systems so that we are ready for the next public health challenge.
Psych Pact Legislation Advances Unanimously
I’m also happy to report that HF269, my bill to allow Minnesota to join an interstate compact that will allow licensed psychologists to practice telehealth across state lines in other member states, passed the House 132-0 yesterday. There was a huge unmet need for mental health care in Minnesota before the pandemic, and that need has only grown. This will increase access across the state at no additional cost to the general fund.

Keep in Touch
Please contact me anytime to share your input, ideas, or to let me know how I can be of assistance. I’m always happy to help when I can. You can reach me at rep.kelly.morrison@house.mn or 651-296-4315. Thank you for the honor of serving our 33B communities in the Minnesota House of Representatives!
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Take good care,