Dear Neighbors,
January 8 marked the first day of the 2019 legislative session. I am so honored to be representing you and our community of Edina at the State Capitol! As we embark upon the next two years in St. Paul, I’m committed to serving in a way that reflects our shared values, and delivering solutions which give everyone a true opportunity to succeed. It was a special celebration, especially having my husband Brett and three children join me on the House Floor for the swearing-in ceremony.
This session, I am serving on three major House Committees: Health and Human Services Policy; Education Finance Division; and as the Vice-Chair of the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee. I’m thrilled by these committee assignments, all of which are important policy areas to Edina.
On the first week of session, House DFLers unveiled our first 10 bills – the Minnesota Values Agenda. It focuses largely on making affordable and quality health care a reality for everyone, providing a world-class education for every Minnesotan, improving economic outcomes for families, and ensuring safe and inclusive communities. Of these first 10 bills introduced, I’m proud to sponsor House File 2, which will invest in students, families and communities across the state by delivering additional resources for our K-12 schools, such as mental health school-linked grants. K-12 Education Finance Chair Davnie and I presented the bill at the Minnesota Values Agenda press conference on January 10. You can stay up to date on the bills I’ve authored here.
More information about the Minnesota Values Agenda can be found here.
Legislation related to the ERA is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Government Operations Committee on Thursday. An Equal Rights Amendment in the form of a constitutional amendment would grant Minnesota voters the opportunity to guarantee gender equity under state constitutional law. I am supportive of protecting all women’s rights and am planning to co-sponsor the bill.
I hope you can join Rep. Elkins, Senator Franzen and I for a town hall meeting next Tuesday, January 29 from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. I’ve attached an invitation to this email with all the details. Listening to your questions, concerns and input helps guide my work at the Capitol. I’d love to see you!
I work to be accessible to you and our community. Please always feel free to reach out to my office at 651-296-4363. You can also contact me via email at You can also follow me on my Capitol Facebook page here.
Thank you for the opportunity to represent you in St. Paul! I look forward to working together.
Heather Edelson
State Representative