Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: April 29, 2021

Dear Neighbors, 

Here in Minnesota, we are continuing to make speedy progress vaccinating our entire state with over 3 million total doses and 56% of Minnesotans 16+ having received at least one dose. It’s important now more than ever to power through to the finish line and ensure the safety of all community members. Be sure to utilize the State Vaccine Connector to find vaccination sites near you, create an appointment, and keep up to date with the progress until we can safely reunite. 

Mask Update: The CDC announced this week that vaccinated people can be maskless outside, except in large crowds. You can read more here.

Minnesota Maintains 8 Congressional Seats

On Monday we learned that Minnesota will maintain all 8 Congressional Seats which is welcome news. I am thankful for the Census workers and Minnesotans for ensuring all were counted. Minnesota’s new revised population count is 5.7 million residents. You can read more here.

Capitol Conference Committee Process Begin: 

With less than four weeks remaining in the legislative session, my colleagues and I are working hard to create meaningful change and develop a strong, equitable budget for the next two years. Last night, we finished passing our budget bills, comprehensive plans for each area of the budget (E-12 Education, Health and Human Services, and so on) that contain many individual bills. Together, the budget bills reflect our vision for the future and the feedback we’ve heard from Minnesotans.  

After the Senate passes their own budget proposals, legislators from the House and the Senate will meet in conference committees to develop bills that both bodies can agree on. Finding strong compromises will be difficult, but I will keep fighting to ensure that all Minnesotans have the resources to weather this pandemic. You can watch along here and follow the daily legislative schedules here.

Health and Human Services

This week, we debated the Health and Human Services budget for several hours before passage. We have approved a budget focused on helping Minnesotans get through the pandemic and to thrive after this unprecedented public emergency, building a brighter future for everyone.


Last week, the House passed our Agriculture budget bill to strengthen farming and food production in Minnesota. It makes new investments in emerging farmers, has more resources for meat processors, expands Farmer/Lender Mediation, and adds two new members to the Board of Animal Health: one veterinarian and one tribal member with knowledge of animal health.K-12 Education Omnibus / Higher Education Omnibus 

New Real ID Deadline

Recently, the Federal Government announced that the RealID deadline has been postponed to May of 2023. With this new change, our local Driver and Vehicle Services officers will be allowed more time and care as they process the overwhelming amount of requests to renew expired drivers licenses and vehicle registration tabs. If you are unable to get an in-person appointment at a local center, you can utilize the DVS website to renew simple vehicle tabs online in just a few minutes. The County is adding personnel to help with the backlog of in-person appointments, but it will take them a while to train the new staff.

Summer Student Working Group / Internship 

My office will be hosting a 3 week Summer Bill Writing Working Group / Internship from July 12 to July 30th. This opportunity is open for all high schooler levels from incoming Freshman to graduating Seniors.  

If you know a student that may be interested – have them apply today!


This is an unpaid internship where students will learn how legislation is created on the State level. Students will meet twice a week during the internship. Most meetings will be held on zoom with the exception of one or two meetings that will be held outside. A letter of completion will be given to all students who successfully finish this program! 

Applications must be submitted by May 15, 2021. 

LAST REMINDER: Edina Public Schools: Referendum Election on May 11th

On May 11th, Edina Public Schools will ask district voters to support a 10-year, $7M technology levy (a renewal of the current $6.5mm levy with an increase of $500,000) and approve a 20-year, $7M bond issue for expansion of bus garage facilities and traffic control improvements at two schools. 

Your vote matters and our community deserves to hear your voice. This decision could greatly impact our public schools – I urge you to plan ahead to cast your vote by May 11th. You can read more here

Here are important voting details for the May 11th Election: 

  • Early Voting at Edina City Hall has Started: Note that you can early vote at Edina City Hall Monday through Friday from March 26th to May 7th from 8AM to 4:30PM, on Saturday, May 8th from 10AM to 3PM, and Monday, May 10th from 8AM to 5PM.
  • Edina City Hall is not a polling place on Election Day (May 11) and if voting on Election Day you should vote at your regular polling place that can be found here: Election Day Voting 
  • Absentee Voting Information is located here: Minnesota Regular Absentee Ballot Application 

Please continue to contact me anytime at rep.heather.edelson@house.mn or 651-296-4363 with your input or questions. You’re welcome also to follow me or ‘like’ my official Facebook page for additional updates.

Thank you for the honor of representing our Edina residents and families in the Minnesota House!


Heather Edelson

State Representative  

Data and Research Manager: