Dear Neighbors,
Overall, the biggest responsibility for lawmakers this session is to enact a new two-year state budget. The House has approved all of our budget bills off the floor, all of which were put together with the goal of helping workers, small businesses, students, and families all emerge from the challenges of the past year with the ability to succeed and thrive. Here are each of the bills we’ve passed:
- State Government, Elections, and Veterans
- Transportation
- Housing
- Labor, Industry, Workforce, and Business Development
- Legacy Amendment
- Early Learning and K-12 Education
- Higher Education
- Energy and Commerce
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Taxes
- Agriculture
- Public Safety, Judiciary, and Civil Law
- Health and Human Services
The next step is for joint House/Senate conference committees to review differences between each chamber’s versions of the budget bills and ultimately reach a bipartisan compromise. Our ability to work together and seek common ground is the type of government Minnesotans expect and deserve. In the session’s final weeks, I’m committed to putting people before politics to ensure all Minnesotans can have a strong future. Click here for a comprehensive schedule of committees thus far.
I am serving on the Transportation conference committee. I am working to make sure our final budget funds the needs of our dangerously aging infrastructure. We have to work together to ensure that every corner of the state gets the funding and services they need.
Changes to COVID-19 Restrictions
Governor Walz announced COVID-19 restrictions will be removed as more Minnesotans continue to get vaccinated and our infection rates continue to go down. These changes will take place over the course of three steps.
Step one takes place at noon on May 7. It includes initial steps to relax some restrictions, primarily in outdoor settings:
- Removes limits for outdoor dining, events, and other get-togethers, and ends the mask requirement outdoors except at large venues with over 500 people.
- Eliminates the state-established mandatory closing time for bars, restaurants, and food and beverage service at other places of public accommodation.
Step two begins on May 28. Remaining capacity and distancing limits will come to an end, including for indoor events and gatherings. The requirements that will remain include:
- Face coverings indoors and for outdoor events that exceed 500 people.
- Businesses and other venues must have plans that keep their employees and customers safe – as they have from the beginning of the pandemic – guided only by a minimal universal state guidance document that includes no new requirements.
The third step takes place once 70 percent of Minnesotans age 16 years and older – 3,087,404 Minnesotans – get at least one dose of the vaccine, but no later than July 1.
- The remaining face covering requirement and the requirement for preparedness plans will end. Work on vaccines will continue, and local jurisdictions and entities may set their own mask policies.
Because the youngest Minnesotans are not yet eligible for the vaccine, the Safe Learning Plan for schools will continue until the end of the school year to protect students, teachers, and staff in schools.
Additional protections will remain, including the eviction moratorium, a ban on price gouging, and eligibility exemptions for people who receive state services. The state will continue its emergency efforts to get Minnesotans tested and vaccinated.

Direct Scheduling for Vaccinations Now Available
Minnesotans can now use the Vaccine Connector to directly schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments at the state’s Community Vaccination Program locations. You can visit VaccineConnector.mn.gov to directly schedule appointments at Community Vaccination locations around the state. Here is how you can get your shot:
- Make an appointment through the Vaccine Connector at one of the state’s COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program locations: https://mn.gov/vaccineconnector.
- 833-431-2053
- Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Sat, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- 833-431-2053
- Use the state’s Vaccine Finder Map to find the closest vaccine provider: https://mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/find-vaccine/locations/index.jsp.
- Contact your primary health care provider or a local pharmacy.
- Employers may also reach out with information about vaccination opportunities.
Keep in Touch:
You can contact me at rep.erin.koegel@house.mn or (651) 296-5369. You can now follow me on Facebook as well! I appreciate the opportunity to serve our district in the legislature and look forward to hearing from you.
Erin Koegel
State Representative