Dear Neighbors,
I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the most pressing issues we are working on at the Capitol. If you have not done so already, please complete this survey to help me understand where you feel I should focus my efforts for the rest of session.
AAPI Violence
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in violence against Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), immigrants, and international citizens. Over the past month in particular, there has been a rise of anti-AAPI violence, and these violent acts have culminated in the horrific murders in Atlanta, Georgia, which included six AAPI women. We must all stand up and confront hate when we see it, I stand with our AAPI communities and will work to ensure that they feel safe wherever they are. Please watch my colleague Rep. Tou Xiong’s speech on this tragedy, and the Minnesota Asian Pacific Caucuses statement on the issue.
Bills Progressing
This week my bill, HF 1382, which would provide funds for services to support those experiencing long-term homelessness was heard in the Human Services Committee this week. Our entire country is going through a very difficult period where homelessness is on the rise. We need to fund and study the best solutions to help manage this difficult issue. You can watch my full presentation on this bill here.
My bill, HF 652, passed off of the House floor this week! This bill prohibits life insurance companies from canceling or denying coverage because of an opioid antagonist prescription such as Narcan.
Covid-19 Update
Minnesota continues to make significant progress in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, over 2 million Minnesotans have been vaccinated at least once, which includes 77% of seniors. Last week, Governor Walz announced more Minnesotans are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine following the arrival of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose version. We still have more demand than supply, but we’re continuing to speed up the distribution of the vaccine. If you haven’t yet, sign up for the state’s Vaccine Connector to get connected with opportunities once you’re eligible.
Last week, the governor announced that some business, activity, and gathering would be updated to ease restrictions in light of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths trending downward. Many in our community are still vulnerable though, and we can’t lose sight of that. While we look forward to a summer that resembles normal, right now we need to continue taking the steps necessary to protect one another like social distancing, wearing a mask around others, and getting tested if we need to.

Virtual Town Hall
Sen. Jerry Newton and I are holding a virtual town hall on Tuesday, March 30 at 7:00 p.m. We hope you’ll join us to discuss your ideas and priorities for the legislative session. The town hall will be held on Zoom. If you would like to participate in the Zoom portion, click here to RSVP and to submit a question.

Keep in Touch:
You can contact me at rep.erin.koegel@house.mn or (651) 296-5369. You can now follow me on Facebook as well! I appreciate the opportunity to serve our district in the legislature and look forward to hearing from you.
Erin Koegel
State Representative