Rep. Erin Koegel (HD37A) Update: April 19, 2018

Rep. Erin Koegel (37A) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

We have a little over a month left in the 2018 legislative
session and another deadline looming. Our third bill deadline is this Friday at midnight, at which point committees must act on finance bills. The different
finance committees are scheduled to act on omnibus bills this week and we don’t know if they will head to the floor individually or in one mega-legislation package. Here are some updates from the Capitol:

Bill Introduced

Earlier this session, I introduced a bill that would establish
an ombudsperson for family child care. They would be available to child care providers, parents, and the general public to help navigate the system around child care licensing and regulation.

It would include one-stop access for people looking for information on investigations, sanctions, regulatory requirements or disputes with state or county agencies. You can read the bill by clicking here or watch this short video I did for Starting Line.

Go Bulldogs!

On Wednesday, University of Minnesota-Duluth Men’s Hockey Coach Scott Sandelin stopped by the House with
the national championship trophy. As an alum of UMD, I was cheering for them to beat Notre Dame and lift the trophy a couple weeks ago. Getting a picture with the silverware and the coach was the cherry on top!

Earth Day…and Saving Money

The annual Earth Day celebration on April 22 is a chance to
renew our commitment to our environment and a reminder of how to conserve energy and save money.

Here are a few tips from the Department of Commerce on
conserving energy and protecting your wallet:

  • Turn off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use
  • Use your window shades
  • Use LED bulbs
  • Wash clothes in cold water

For more tips on making your home as energy efficient as
possible, check out the Commerce Department’s Home Energy Guide here.

Minnesota Values Project 

In the months leading up to the legislative session, my
House DFL colleagues and I spoke with Minnesotans all around the state about our future. Based on those sessions, we’ve put forward the Minnesota Values Project — our goals, principles, and commitments to the people of Minnesota.

Our shared values bring us together and can serve as a guide
for how we move forward and how we make Minnesota work better for all of us. You can learn more and add your voice at www.minnesotavaluesproject.com.

Warm Weather Ahead?

I hope all of you stayed safe during the snowstorm last weekend…and got a chance to have some fun in the (hopefully) last blizzard of the winter!


Erin Koegel

State Representative

Categories: SD37
Data and Research Manager: