Rep. Dean Phillips (CD3): Will America Cede or Lead?

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Hi Neighbors,

Happy Pride Month! As you may know, every June we celebrate our LGBTQ+ community and honor those dedicated to ending discrimination in all of its forms. In that spirit, I hope you will join me this month in advocating for justice, preaching acceptance, and spreading love to all corners of our district.

Supporting Our Veterans

Our nation always finds the resources it needs to go war. It’s time we also find the resources to support our veterans and military families when they come home. The tragic rate of suicide in our veteran communities is a crisis; experts estimate that 17 veterans take their lives each day. We must do more to support those who have sacrificed for our nation, and that means ensuring that every veteran, servicemember, and their family has access to the mental health care and readjustment services they need. After hearing from veterans, service organizations, state officials, and my own Veterans Advisory Council, I introduced a new bill, the Vet Center Support Act, to address shortages in veterans’ mental health care across the country. 

Rep. Phillips Talks with Veterans

A (Civil) Debate on Voting Rights

It’s easy to vote in Minnesota, and that’s borne out in our nation-leading voter turnout. Unfortunately, many of our fellow Americans do not enjoy the same privileges that we do and must overcome significant hurdles to participate in our elections. That’s why I am a fierce advocate for H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a sweeping voting rights and anti-corruption bill that would reduce the influence of special interests and strengthen our democracy. 

I recently joined a bipartisan debate hosted by Braver Angels to share my support for H.R. 1 and engage with thoughtful criticism from the bill’s opponents. Our conversation left me energized and hopeful – amidst the inflammatory rhetoric, there is real agreement between Democrats and Republicans about the need for secure and accessible elections. In the weeks to come, I will continue to convene my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and advocate for people, not politicians. 

Watch me advocate for secure and accessible elections for all at the bipartisan debate hosted by Braver Angels

Igniting Innovation

U.S. startups are some of the most innovative firms in the world, and for the past year many have been working on products to fight the COVID-19 crisis and future pandemic threats. Unfortunately, the economic fallout of the pandemic has devastated our nation’s innovators, and, to make things worse, many startups were ineligible for the aid provided to other struggling small business.

With that in mind, I introduced the IGNITE American Innovation Act, a bipartisan bill that would allow thousands of startups left out of previous COVID-19 relief legislation to access fast and efficient capital, so that they can continue to develop the lifesaving and game-changing technologies our economy and communities rely on.

Minnesotan Microchips

As it happens, last week I had a chance to see innovation in action at SkyWater Technology in Bloomington. SkyWater is the only semi-conductor manufacturer owned and based in the United States. At a time when we are critically short of so many important products, semi-conductors included, we need to unite behind American entrepreneurship, innovation and job creation.

Minnesota has long been known around the world as an innovator, and our state has incubated some of the most extraordinary companies in history. My visits to SkyWater and other exceptional businesses in our district inspire my work to make America the hub of innovation for which we were once known – and for which we will be known again.

Standing Up to China

China has the second largest economy in the world and is our most prolific trading partner outside of North America. Yet Chinese economic data is unreliable and incomplete, meaning that investors and members of Congress are too often left operating in the dark. That’s why I helped introduce the bipartisan Documenting Adversarial Trade Aggression (DATA) Act, which would at long last provide accurate information about the Chinese economy to American lawmakers and businesses. 

Tides are shifting in Washington, and I am heartened by what I see. There is a  bipartisan consensus that we need to stand up to China, strengthen our supply chain, and keep American businesses competitive. Just this week, the Senate is poised to pass an unprecedented investment in high-tech manufacturing and scientific research. My colleagues in the Foreign Affairs Committee are currently hard at work on companion legislation in the House.

Our country and our Congress has a choice: will we cede, or will we lead? After decades of complacency, Republicans and Democrats agree that it is time for America to get back and lead.

Keep the faith and keep in touch, 


Dean Phillips 
Member of Congress 

Rep. Phillips Separator

More Resources For You

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Apply for affordable broadband: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced that, starting on May 12th, people can apply for the Emergency Broadband Benefit. This new program will help families reduce the costs of broadband by providing a monthly discount for broadband service for eligible households. You can learn more here and apply here.
  • Get your vaccine (now open to everyone 12 and up): You can get help making a vaccine appointment by inputting your ZIP code at or texting it to GETVAX (438829).
  • Track your check: Economic Impact Payments are still being distributed; check the status of your payment using the IRS Get My Payment tool.

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