Hi Neighbors,
I’m checking in with more updates after a busy week. My time was split between DC and Minnesota, and highlights included engaging with my constituents, supporting two pieces of bipartisan legislation that keep America at the centerstage, and authoring a bill that works to fuel the modernization of our healthcare system.
I’m already looking forward to my next visit home, but, in the meantime I have some great news to share:
Community Conversation
Last Thursday, I was thrilled to be back with you all at our first in-person town hall in over a year. Its been a long year for many of us, and, as is often the case, what is good for the soul is good for our democracy.
Representation begins with listening. I always learn so much from the great people in this community, and I look forward to taking your thoughts and ideas back to Washington. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Strengthening Our Healthcare System
With the country still grappling with the effects of the pandemic, the modernization of our healthcare system is long overdue. This week, my Republican colleague Steve Chabot and I, introduced the Telehealth Coverage and Payment Parity Act. This bipartisan legislation aims to improve Americans access to healthcare whenever and wherever they need it.
Telehealth has acted as a driving force to deliver Americans healthcare during this pandemic – safely and effectively. Unfortunately, some flexibilities have been put in place to ensure this access will be reversed when the public health emergency expires. The good news? I’m on a mission to make our substantial progress permanent.
Frankly, I believe for many condition’s, there is simply no reason for healthcare to be tied to brick and mortar institutions. To that end, this legislation will push for permanent coverage and payment parity at the federal level and is a necessary step in building a 21st century health care system that works for the majority.
Building Partnerships Through Diplomacy
Last week, I joined my colleagues on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to approve the Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement (EAGLE) Act, an unprecedented China Policy package that invests and strengthens U.S. diplomacy and economic leaderships, enhances transparency, empowers American workers and small business, and holds our adversaries accountable.
Partisan gridlock and dangerous complacency have hamstrung our economic development and damaged our standing on the world stage. I am proud to say that after years of inaction, the House of Representatives will finally consider this bold legislation to revive our role as a global leader and safeguard American interests.

A strong foundation is a necessary component to any bold legislation. To bolster the effectiveness and strength of this package, I have authored four amendments – outlined below – that aim to reinforce our national security and provide additional support to U.S. foreign policy priorities.
- My bipartisan Arctic Diplomacy Act, which aims to establish peace, sustainability and economic growth in the arctic region.
- Require additional reporting on the illicit Chinese Fentanyl trade.
- Emphasize the importance of Chinese-language skills for our diplomatic corps.
- Modify the EAGLE Act’s Statement of Policy on Middle East and North Africa Engagement to make promoting greater regional cooperation – particularly with Israel – a U.S. priority.
With the continued collaboration and advocacy among my colleagues from both sides of the aisle, this legislation is a telling sign that Congress – at long last – would rather lead than cede.
Keep the faith and keep in touch,

Dean Phillips
Member of Congress