Rep. Andrew Carlson (HD50B) Update: March 7, 2018

Rep. Andrew Carlson (50B) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

It’s March and I have a serious case of spring fever. We’ve had some impressive snowfalls the last couple of weeks, so a special thanks to our snowplow drivers for their great work this winter. Night or day, when these women and men get the call, they know there’s work to be done. Minnesotans value an honest day’s work and fair pay. That’s why it’s so distressing when House Republicans keep blocking our state employees’ fairly negotiated contracts. Let’s approve their contracts. It’s the right thing to do.

Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence StalledLast week, we held our first hearings on gun violence prevention bills. One proposal would require a criminal background check for every firearm sale. The second proposal would allow for the court to be petitioned for a gun violence protection order from someone who poses a significant danger of bodily injury to themselves or others. The proposals were blocked from advancing by House Republicans and are stalled for now. If we are going to take common sense actions to reduce gun violence we have a lot more work to do. I will keep you updated as I hear more.

Bloomington Federation of Teachers
Last Wednesday teachers from the Bloomington Federation of Teachers stopped by the Capitol to discuss a variety of issues. I really appreciate them speaking up for school safety, the need for decreasing classroom sizes and additional support staff in schools, such as counselors and school social workers. It was clear to all of us how deeply these teachers care about their students and their success for the future.

Are You Watching the Eagle Cam?
This eagle camera is brought to you by the MNDNR’s Nongame Wildlife Program, which helps over 700 species of Minnesota wildlife thrive. The program is largely supported by donations from people like you. This year, the DNR is celebrating forty years of effective conservation. They also upgraded the camera so you can see what is happening at night without causing any disturbances! I hope you enjoy watching.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Andrew Carlson
State Representative

Categories: SD50
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