Rep. Andrew Carlson (HD50B) Update: March 6, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well. Our first legislative deadline to approve policy bills is already next week on Friday. This will help us narrow our focus and remain steadfast as we complete our work by adjournment on May 20. Here’s an update from St. Paul:

Legislation for Bloomington

I recently presented my bill that delivers public infrastructure improvements to Bloomington Central Station, located in the South Loop District. Improving this development will help our community build on economic growth, as the Blue Line LRT runs through Central Station to connect residents and Minnesotans to the 50-acre plot comprised of offices, residential units, retailers and a hotel.

Thank you to the Schane Rudlang of the City of Bloomington and Mark Fabel, of Development for McGough for testifying in support of the bill.

Minnesota Diabetes Advocacy Day and #Insulin4All Rally

Nicole Smith-Holt and James Holt, Jr. of Richfield are the parents of Alec Smith. Alec died at age 26 because he could not afford to pay $1,300 for his monthly supply of insulin. Following Alec’s death in 2017, his parents courageously began telling their story to reporters, policymakers, and grassroots organizations in hopes of preventing the same tragedy from happening to anyone else.

Never again should anyone die because they cannot afford the insulin they need to survive. That’s why we in the Commerce Committee yesterday approved a comprehensive plan to address the skyrocketing cost of insulin. It includes the following components:

The Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act (HF 485) is authored by Rep. Mike Howard of Richfield. Nicole and James are Rep. Howard’s constituents. He keeps a framed picture of Alec on his desk in the House Chamber to honor Alec’s memory and share the family’s story with other state lawmakers. Rep. Howard’s bill creates a means for Minnesotans who are unable to afford their needed insulin to get their prescription filled on a temporary basis. It also authorizes pharmacies to fill a temporary supply of insulin for patients whose prescription is out-of-date. Reimbursements for pharmacies would be paid through a fee on Big Pharma insulin manufacturers.

Hundreds of people showed up for an #Insulin4All Rally in support of the bill.

Normandale Visit

I recently attended a legislative breakfast with students, faculty and other area legislators at Normandale Community College. We had a great conversation about higher education in general, and Normandale’s innovative programs offered to students attending the college. A special thank you to Normandale President Joyce Ester for all of her advocacy for this incredible institution in Bloomington.

Stay in Touch

Please let me know how I can be of assistance to you and your family. I appreciate your input and value your ideas. You can call me at 651-296-4218 or email me at rep.andrew.carlson@house.mn.

Have a great rest of the week!

Andrew Carlson
State Representative

Categories: SD50
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