Dear Neighbors,
Our regular work session ended on May 17th. However, final details of our agreement are being ironed out in special session which began this week. House and Senate leaders and Governor Walz have reached a budget agreement that we are using as guidelines in our conference committee negotiations. We have reached agreements on our Energy/Commerce, Taxes, Higher Ed, Agriculture, and Legacy Finance budgets. Some of the more contentious bills like E-12 Education and Public Safety still have a ways to go however. Details on the overall budget agreement and what the special session looks like can be found here.
DFL Releases Eviction Off-Ramp
It is critical that we prevent a massive housing crisis as we begin to return to normal. The House DFL has a common sense plan to give everyone the time they need to catch up on their rent and mortgage. Watch our press conference to learn more about our plan. If you are behind on housing payments, apply for aid here.
MNsure Expansion This Summer
MNsure has a summer enrollment period now with expanded tax credit eligibility from the American Rescue Plan. Minnesotans with higher incomes who purchase health insurance through MNsure can access advanced premium tax credits that lower the cost of monthly health insurance premiums. MNsure is encouraging Minnesotans whose incomes were previously too high for tax credits to take another look at private health care coverage through MNsure. Learn more and sign up here.
Public Comment Period for MnDOT
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is currently taking public comments on the draft 2022-2025 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). MnDOT welcomes these comments (written, e-mail or telephone) through June 30. I encourage you to provide your input on the important transportation investments that MnDOT will use through 2025. It’s important that we all participate to ensure that our transportation system serves everyone.

Stay In Touch
You can stay up to date on our work by subscribing to these legislative updates and “liking” my official Facebook page. For any questions you have on the resources available to our community or our work in the Minnesota House, you can reach me at rep.andrew.carlson@house.mn or leave a voicemail at (651) 296-4218. I look forward to hearing from you.
Andrew Carlson
State Representative