Rep. Andrew Carlson (HD50B) Update: April 10, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well. Major budget bills are coming together and our focus will soon shift from committee to longer floor sessions. Here’s an update from the Capitol:

‘Hand-Free’ Legislation on its way to Governor

The Minnesota House of Representatives today passed the final, compromise ‘hands free’ bill after differences were reconciled with the Minnesota Senate. I was glad to support this long overdue, lifesaving measure for all Minnesotans. The Governor is expected to promptly sign the conference committee report this week, making Minnesota the 17th state, including the District of Columbia to require a ‘hands free’ device while driving.

Governor Walz’s State of the State Address

Governor Walz last week gave his first-ever State of the State Address. It was unique, unscripted and straight from the heart as he structured his speech like a story, sharing experiences of Minnesotans he has worked with, taught, and met. Governor Walz encouraged compromise and bipartisan solutions for all Minnesotans, no matter where you live. You can read more about the speech here. Or if you’d like to watch it, you may do so here.

I was pleased to meet the Teacher of the Year Award recipient, Kelly Holstine at the Governor’s State of the State Address.

E-12 Education & Taxes

The House DFL Majority on Monday announced a tax bill that would raise $1.2 billion in new revenue, largely by taxing corporations’ foreign profits, and invest it in education, health care, and safe and inclusive communities. The tax bill asks corporations to pay their fair share, so that we can deliver substantial investments in education and the things Minnesotans value.

Below are two fact sheets outlining the investments we are making in students, families, farmers, and seniors citizens.

Our education budget includes investments to support our students inside and outside the classroom. We know when the experts in the schools – teachers, counselors, nurses, social workers and support staff – have sufficient resources our children and families will succeed. This budget ensures that students, families and communities across the state have access to resources such as mental health, housing and the community services needed to be successful in school. I’m also pleased to share that my bill to help fund The Works Museum  has been included in the final E-12 Omnibus bill.

Keep in Touch

More areas of the budget are being vetted at their final committee stop before heading to the House Floor. If you have questions, or comments about any proposal, don’t hesitate to reach out. I appreciate your constructive feedback!

Andrew Carlson
State Representative