Putin appears to be targeting U.S. officials who worked on Russia sanctions

The following article by Carol Morello, Tom Hamburger and John Hudson was posted on the Washington Post website July 19, 2018:

Former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, shown in 2013 at the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. Credit: Misha Japaridze, AP

Almost from the day he arrived in Moscow as the U.S. ambassador in 2012, Michael McFaul and his family were subjected to a campaign of surveillance and harassment.

According to McFaul’s book “From Cold War to Hot Peace,” Russian authorities followed him to his son’s soccer game and on outings to McDonald’s. They trailed his children’s bus to school and sat behind the family at church. They slashed the tires of an embassy staffer’s car and broke into the homes of other employees.

Embassy security officials advised McFaul there was only one secure room at the embassy he and his wife should use if they ever quarreled because everywhere else was monitored by the Russian government.

View the complete article here.

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