President Trump’s Budget is A Litany of Broken Promises to the American People

May 26, 2017


This week, President Trump released his budget for fiscal year 2018. His proposal makes draconian cuts to programs that help working Americans get ahead in order to give enormous tax cuts to the wealthy. This budget has been rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, who have called it “dead on arrival.” Democrats will continue to urge Republicans to work across the aisle to make investments that will help ensure all working families can make it in America.

On Wednesday, the Congressional Budget Office(CBO) released their score of House Republicans’ TrumpCare bill, confirming this legislation will make all Americans pay more for less care. The non-partisan CBO report confirmed 23 million Americans will lose coverage by 2026, including 14 million who will lose coverage next year. The report also confirms that TrumpCare would allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, effectively bring back annual and lifetime limits on coverage, and impose an age tax on older Americans who will see their premiums increase. Already, the instability Republicans have injected into the health insurance markets is harming consumers. With control of all levers of government, they are responsible for any changes that Americans see to their health care. Rather than pursue their repeal efforts and continue to sabotage the Affordable Care Act,  I urge them to work with us to improve the ACA and ensure affordable health care for all Americans.

Finally, I remain concerned by the continued reports regarding President Trump’s ties to Russia. While the appointment of a special counsel was a positive step, I will continue to call for an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate Russia’s attempts to subvert our democracy and possible connections with the Trump campaign. I hope Republicans will put country before party and work with Democrats to establish such a commission.

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer