‘Pottymouth’: Trump presides over a coarsening of American politics

President Trump unleashed a gusher of foul language, referring to himself as a “son of a bitch,” claiming that Joe Biden was a good vice president only because “he understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass,” and saying “hell” 18 times — and that was all in a single campaign rally.

At another rally the following night, Trump denigrated Biden’s son, Hunter, for his struggles with substance abuse and called him a “loser,” while also declaring that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “hates the United States of America.”

And just this week, Trump declared that the House impeachment inquiry was a “lynching” — equating his political troubles with the systematic murders of African Americans by racist white mobs.

View the complete October 23 article by Ashley Parker and Philip Rucker on The Washington Post website here.

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