Postal Service didn’t examine service impacts before making cuts, IG report says

House panel investigation of postal changes is ongoing

The independent watchdog of the U.S. Postal Service has issued a report criticizing service reductions implemented in June and July under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, asserting that there was no consideration of the effects the cutbacks would have before they were put in place.

“No analysis of the service impacts of these various changes was conducted and documentation and guidance to the field for these strategies was very limited and almost exclusively oral,” the report, dated Monday, says. “The resulting confusion and inconsistency in operations at postal facilities compounded the significant negative service impacts across the country.”

The inspector general’s report said that the operational changes implemented by DeJoy soon after he landed the top postal job in June may have met legal requirements, but the execution was flawed and definitively resulted in delays to mail delivery. Continue reading.

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