Paulsen’s column raises questions

Regarding Erik Paulsen’s self-congratulatory column of June 25, Erik Paulsen has, among others, a problem with the truth,

In his “look at me” piece, he claims that the immigration bill that he big, bad Democratic “activist base” and recalcitrant Republicans — about time — won’t pass provides for “a permanent solution for young DACA recipients.”

It does nothing of the sort, according to an article on the bill in the USA Today.

The bill calls for DACA recipients to apply for renewal every six years.  So I guess Paulsen meant permanent reapplication.

Also, Paulsen never mentions the “wall” Trump wants so badly, yet, the bill provides $25 billion in funding for it.  They must have located that check Mexico put in the mail.  Once again, either Paulsen has a problem with the truth or he’s clueless.  Neither is really very appropriate for a congressional representative, is it.

David Watson, Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie News, July 5, 2018