Paulsen’s AHCA vote a disaster for constituents

Erik Paulsen’s recent ACHA [sic] vote is another example of tax cuts for the wealthiest. Despite the flood of calls, letters and demonstrations from his constituents against it, he chose to ignore them. The ACHA [sic] is a “success” for the top 1 percent among us, and is an absolute disaster for the well-being of the people of the Congressional District 3 he serves, and the rest of the country.

Paulsen’s party before country agenda has been to repeal and replace the ACA Period. Not improving it. Not getting more Minnesotans and Americans insured. Not making health insurance more affordable and certainy not saving and cherishing human life. With the CBO showing that 23 million Americans will be adversely affected by this, there is no doubt. Paulsen’s vote in favor of the ACHA [sic] is a disgrace and a blemis on Minnesota He has betrayed us.

Michelle Beddor, Chanhassen
Lakeshore Weekly, June 1, 2017

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