‘We’re screwed’: Conservative accuses Mitch McConnell of going into ‘hiding’ as Kevin McCarthy destroys the GOP

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A furious Amanda Carpenter ripped into the senior leadership of the Republican Party for tearing the GOP apart over fears of former president Donald Trump.

The conservative CNN commentator who once served as speechwriter to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was responding to a report from CNN’s Melanie Zanona that states that rank and file Republicans want Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) punished for taking part in the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6th Capitol riot.

According to the conservative commentator, Republicans are “screwed” unless someone in leadership stands up to Trump. Continue reading.

Minnesota adopts clean cars standard that require more electric vehicles

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New emissions rule means more dealerships will offer the option. 

Minnesota is the latest state — and the first in the Midwest — to adopt California’s stricter tailpipe emissions standards and mandate for automakers to get more zero-emission vehicles onto sales lots.

The rules don’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2024, for 2025 models, so Minnesotans likely will not see an immediate burst of new electric vehicle options at dealerships. But the adoption sends a clear signal, and vehicle selection is expected to expand in the next 18 months.

Notice of official adoption of the rules was posted Monday in the Minnesota State Register. Continue reading.

‘Kraken’ lawyer Sidney Powell gets schooled after claiming ‘hundreds’ of Jan. 6 attackers are in jail

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Sidney Powell revealed Sunday that she will be joining the legal team helping “hundreds” of Jan. 6 attackers who are currently in prison and asked for money to support them.

The problem, however, is that there aren’t “hundreds” of people in jail for the Jan. 6 insurrection. Far from it, in fact. BuzzFeed justice reporter Zoe Tillman explained, there are just 66 in custody, with a few waiting for a detention hearing. A whopping 478 were allowed to go home awaiting trial.

It’s unclear the degree to which Jan. 6 attackers are willing to accept Powell’s help as she failed to win so many lawsuits around the 2020 election for former President Donald Trump. She and ally Lin Wood are both facing sanctions in Michigan for what some said was a reckless filing filled with inaccuracies. Continue reading.

In the Know: July 28, 2021

DFL In the Know Graphic

Governor Tim Walz
Gov. Walz hopeful State Fair can proceed as planned. ‘Get the vaccine.’, Pioneer Press
Governor Walz commemorates passage of Energy Conservation and Optimization Act bill, KARE 11

Minnesota Legislature
Clean energy law spurs broad backing as it takes effect in Minnesota, Bemidji Pioneer
With legislative OK, local mental health providers plan significant inpatient expansions, Southern Minn

Minnesota News
14 Minnesota counties fall under new federal mask recommendation, for now, Star Tribune
Woman waves Trump flag while driving onto Minnesota Capitol grounds, The Hill
Severe Weather Roared Through Central Minnesota Early Wednesday Morning, KNSI

Continue reading “In the Know: July 28, 2021”

‘A tipping point’: Government officials, health groups move to require coronavirus vaccines for workers

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NOTE: This article is provided to all to read free of charge by The Washington Post.

New vaccine mandates are being rolled out at VA, in California, New York City, the Mayo Clinic, among other places.

The Department of Veterans Affairs, which runs one of the nation’s largest health systems, announced Monday it would mandate coronavirus vaccines for its front-line workers, becoming the first federal agency to do so and signaling what some experts said could be a national pivot to such requirements.

Faced with the explosive growth of a new virus variant, the state of California and the city of New York gave workers a choice: Get vaccinated or face weekly testing. And an array of hospitals from coast to coast, including the prestigious Mayo Clinic, declared they would require staff to get vaccinated, following a joint plea from the nation’s major medical groups.

Health-care leaders say the moves represent an escalation of the nation’s fight against the coronavirus — the first concerted effort to mandate that tens of millions of Americans get vaccinated, more than seven months after regulators authorized the shots and as new cases rip through the nation. VA’s mandate applies to more than 100,000 front-line workers, New York City’s applies to about 45,000 city employees and contractors, and California’s applies to more than 2.2 million state employees and health workers. Continue reading.

Today at 5:30pm: Majority Leader Winkler meets with violence prevention group EMERGE

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SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. — House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler is meeting with violence prevention groups to discuss a new state grant program dedicated to innovation in community safety. The new state budget appropriates $800,000 for organizations that provide youth, young adult, and family anti-violence outreach programs; offer community healing and wellness; and help address mental health needs.

Members of the press are welcome to attend and should RSVP to matt.roznowski@house.mn to receive details about location of meetings. 

What: Meeting to discuss new grant program for innovation in community safety
When: Wednesday, July 28 at 5:30pm 

  • Majority Leader Ryan Winkler
  • Members of EMERGE

Wide partisan divide on whether voting is a fundamental right or a privilege with responsibilities

As political battles continue around the nation over voting access and restrictions, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that a majority of Americans (57%) say voting is “a fundamental right for every adult U.S. citizen and should not be restricted in any way.”

Fewer (42%) express the view that “voting is a privilege that comes with responsibilities and can be limited if adult U.S. citizens don’t meet some requirements.”

Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents overwhelmingly say voting is a fundamental right that should not be restricted in any way – 78% hold this view, while fewer than a quarter (21%) say it is a privilege. Two-thirds of Republicans and Republican leaners say voting is a privilege that can be limited if requirements are not met, compared with about half as many (32%) who say it is a fundamental right. Continue reading.

COVID-19 could cause male infertility and sexual dysfunction – but vaccines do not

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Contrary to myths circulating on social media, COVID-19 vaccines do not cause erectile dysfunction and male infertility.

What is true: SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, poses a risk for both disorders.

Until now, little research has been done on how the virus or the vaccines affect the male reproductive system. But recent investigations by physicians and researchers here at the University of Miami have shed new light on these questions. Continue reading.

Carl Bernstein called Trump ‘our own American war criminal’ over COVID-19 deaths and encouraging the Capitol riot

The Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has accused former President Donald Trump of being “our own American war criminal” over his actions during the coronavirus pandemic and the January 6 Capitol riot.

Speaking with CNN’s Brian Stelter, Bernstein said: “I think we need to calmly step back and maybe look at Trump in a different context: He is America’s, our own American war criminal. Of a kind we’ve never experienced before.”

Stelter interrupted Bernstein, saying: “You just said war criminal. What do you mean war criminal?” Continue reading.

Michael Flynn Boasts Maybe He’ll ‘Find Somebody In Washington’ With His New AR-15

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Michael Flynn Boasts Maybe He’ll ‘Find Somebody In Washington’ With His New AR-15

Disgraced Trump administration figure Michael Flynn boasted on Sunday that maybe he’ll “find somebody” in Washington with a new assault-style rifle given to him at California church.

Flynn, the former national security adviser pardoned by Donald Trump for lying about his Russia contacts, made the jaw-dropping remark after he was gifted the gun at the “Church of Glad Tidings” in Yuba City, California. Church members roared with laughter and clapped when Flynn suggested hunting humans in the nation’s capital.

“We were trying to come up with a rifle that we thought was appropriate for a general, so we went with an old-school Woodland camouflage … one of our top-quality guns,” said Jason Parker, who works for a gun company. The weapon he presented to Flynn appeared to be a Woodland Camo AR-15. Continue reading.