Conservative actress rages at top US general for mentioning white rage: We ‘are the least racist’ race

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On Thursday, appearing on the far-right Newsmax network, actress Sam Sorbo raged against Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley for defending the Pentagon’s efforts to research “white rage.”

Milley was happy to explain the Pentagon’s research when questioned by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) — it was, he noted, a critical part of understanding domestic terrorist threats like the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

“I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding — having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?” Milley said. Continue reading.

Inside the ‘shadow reality world’ promoting the lie that the presidential election was stolen

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Wealthy allies of former president Donald Trump have spent millions on films, rallies and other efforts to tout falsehoods about the 2020 vote.

The slickly produced movie trailer, set to ominous music, cuts from scenes of the 2020 election to clips of allies of former president Donald Trump describing a vast conspiracy to steal the White House.

“The Deep Rig,” a film financed by former chief executive Patrick Byrne for $750,000, is set to be released online this weekend — the latest production by a loosely affiliated network of figures who have harnessed right-wing media outlets, podcasts and the social media platform Telegram to promote the falsehood that the 2020 election was rigged.

The baseless assertion, backed by millions of dollars from wealthy individuals, is reverberating across this alternative media ecosphere five months after Trump and many of his backers were pushed off Facebook and Twitter for spreading disinformation that inspired a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol. While largely unnoticed by Americans who have accepted the fact of President Biden’s victory, the deluge of content has captured the attention of many who think the election was rigged, a belief that is an animating force inside the Republican Party. Continue reading.

Trump-loving official facing jail time after allegedly terrorizing a Michigan county election clerk

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A Michigan Republican school board member is accused of threatening a county clerk in another part of the state over an election dispute.

State police say they traced a menacing call last year to Houghton County clerk Jennifer Kelly back to 23-year-old Matthew Smith, a school board member and GOP activist from Genessee County, and he’s been charged with maliciously using a telephone, reported WJRT-TV.

“I had to seek counseling,” Kelly told the TV station. “I apparently now have some sort of PTSD. Little things will set me off at home.” Continue reading.

Inside the extraordinary effort to save Trump from covid-19

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His illness was more severe than the White House acknowledged at the time. Advisers thought it would alter his response to the pandemic. They were wrong.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s phone rang with an urgent request: Could he help someone at the White House obtain an experimental coronavirus treatment, known as a monoclonal antibody?

If Azar could get the drug, what would the White House need to do to make that happen? Azar thought for a moment. It was Oct. 1, 2020, and the drug was still in clinical trials. The Food and Drug Administration would have to make a “compassionate use” exception for its use since it was not yet available to the public. Only about 10 people so far had used it outside of those trials. Azar said of course he would help.

Azar wasn’t told who the drug was for but would later connect the dots. The patient was one of President Donald Trump’s closest advisers: Hope Hicks. Continue reading.

CDC extends eviction moratorium through July

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday announced a one-month extension to the nationwide pause on evictions put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The eviction moratorium, which was set to expire this month, will now last through July under the new order, which is expected to be the final extension, the CDC said.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a historic threat to the nation’s public health,” the CDC said in a statement. “Keeping people in their homes and out of crowded or congregate settings — like homeless shelters — by preventing evictions is a key step in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.” Continue reading.

New study blows up GOP talking point that cutting unemployment benefits early will push people to find work

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In right-wing conservative and libertarian ideology — and even among some centrist Blue Dog Democrats — there is a widely held belief that having a social safety net encourages people to be unproductive. And unemployment benefits, according to that school of thought, make people complacent about looking for work. But new analysis from the employment website Indeed suggests that cutting off unemployment benefits early does not make people find work any faster.

Indeed’s analysis comes at a time when many Republican-led states are opting out of enhanced unemployment benefits that came in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the recession that it caused.

Indeed’s analysis measures clicks on job posts. CNBC reporter Greg Iacurci quotes Ann Elizabeth Konkel, an economist for Indeed, as saying that “people in those states” — meaning GOP-led states — “are less likely to be searching than your average jobseeker right now.” Continue reading.

Trump spending his days at Mar-a-Lago serving Diet Coke to reporters to get ahead of wave of damaging books: report

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Donald Trump is spending his day at Mar-a-Lago hosting a parade of journalists for sit-down interviews as he tries to get in front of a coming wave of damaging books, according to a new report.

Axios co-founder Mike Allen told MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt that he’s obtained a list of 22 interviews the twice-impeached one-term president has given in recent weeks, with some of the book authors going back for more than one visit.

“He’s given 22 interviews to book authors, several people double-dipped,” Allen said. “He spent an hour and a half, two hours, [and] some of the people are then invited to stay and have dinner at Mar-a-Lago, and why it matters, President Trump, who’s said very little, besides to conservative outlets, knows he’s going to be everywhere. This rush of Trump books that will start in July, and he wants his voice out there.” Continue reading.

Trump Urged Justice Department To Probe QAnon’s Conspiracy Theories

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The ongoing release of materials on former President Donald Trump’s attempts to subvert the 2020 election has shown the extent to which the White House pushed for the Department of Justice to investigate far-out conspiracy theories linked to the QAnon movement. And the latest example might also show that false stories circulated in far-right media made their way to Trump himself.

The Detroit News reported last week on emails recently released by the House oversight committee showing some of the Trump administration’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. On December 14 — the same day when the members of the Electoral College met across the country to formalize Joe Biden’s victory — White House aide Molly Michael sent an email to acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen with the subject “From POTUS.”

The email contained a PDF file of a report from a right-wing investigator on an election counting error in the small locale of Antrim County, Michigan, and a set of talking pointsapparently written by the report’s author declaring that “Michigan cannot certify for Biden” due to a “seditious conspiracy to undermine the election process and the will of the American people.” Continue reading.

Trump feels ‘used’ by Jared Kushner after son-in-law bolts from him to protect his image: report

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On Wednesday’s edition of “Anderson Cooper 360,” correspondent Jim Acosta said that former President Donald Trump feels “used” by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, following reports that he and Ivanka Trump have distanced themselves from him as he continues to attack the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.

“It sounds like Jared and Ivanka are trying to treat Trump as the coffee boy. I never thought I would see that day,” said Acosta. “I did talk to a long-time Trump adviser today who said, you know what, Trump feels used by Jared Kushner. There’s a twist, Anderson, that I don’t know if we would ever see — Trump feeling used in all of this.”

“Listen, as for Jared and Ivanka trying to distance themselves, keep in mind, I don’t want to go over all of the history in the last four years, but Jared was in charge of Middle East peace in the Trump administration. He had a heavy hand in the COVID response. He was working on, you know, the border wall. He was a campaign adviser and so on. There’s no rehab tour. There’s no PR spinning. There’s no separation that can be put in place between Trump and Jared and Ivanka that is going to wash the blood of January 6th off of their designer suits. It’s just not going to happen. And I think Jared and Ivanka can try this, but I don’t think they’re fooling anybody. I think a lot of people out there see their failures tied very tightly to the failures of former President Donald Trump.” Continue reading.

In sentencing regretful Capitol protester, federal judge rebukes Republicans

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U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth castigated Republican lawmakers on Wednesday for downplaying the violence of the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, saying in handing down the first sentence to a charged defendant that those who break the law must pay a penalty.

“I’m especially troubled by the accounts of some members of Congress that January 6 was just a day of tourists walking through the Capitol,” he said. “I don’t know what planet they were on. . . . This was not a peaceful demonstration. It was not an accident that it turned violent; it was intended to halt the very functioning of our government.”

The 49-year-old Indiana woman before him, who had just pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of demonstrating inside the Capitol, did not disagree. Continue reading.