Supreme Court’s legitimacy at stake in wake of Ginsburg’s death

Justices’ actions could fuel calls to revamp the high court

For a Supreme Court that seeks to defend the legitimacy of its rulings as rooted in the law and not political ideology, what unfolds over the next few months is poised to be a historic test of its reputation.

The Senate will hold a contentious confirmation vote to fill the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a reliably conservative President Donald Trump appointee. 

The appointee, who Trump says will be a woman announced this week, would deepen the court’s conservative tilt potentially with immediate consequences for divisive areas such as abortion, gun control and more. Continue reading.

Rep. Phillips Co-Sponsors Landmark Legislation to Lower Costs, Increase Access to Health Care

Legislation will create a public option for Minnesotans to buy into the state’s Medicaid program

WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, Rep. Dean Phillips announced he is co-sponsoring the State Public Option Act, landmark health care legislation that will allow Americans to buy into their state’s Medicaid program. Prohibitively high costs continue to deny many Minnesotans access to healthcare every day even as the COVID-19 pandemic threatens our community. A state-based public option would open up healthcare access to thousands of Minnesotans while providing a viable health insurance option for those without employer-provided insurance.

Under this Medicaid Buy-in program, states will set the terms for how the public-option will be implemented. Enrollees will have access to Medicaid’s provider network and benefit set and the state will determine the premiums, deductibles, and other cost-sharing. Cost will be much lower due to smaller administrative overhead. A 2013 Congressional Budget Office estimate of a similar public option found that premiums would be on average 7-8% less than on the individual market.

“Lowering the cost of health care for my constituents and all Americans has been a top priority since I joined Congress in 2019,”said Rep. Phillips, “and this legislation does just that. The State Public Option Act will expand health coverage to thousands of Minnesotans, allow states to become policy innovators, and encourage more people to pursue their dreams with affordable health insurance. A public health insurance option is the next step toward achieving a health care system with truly universal access, as we continue to grapple with a pandemic that has changed so many aspects of our lives. We are all connected — my neighbor’s health is about my health, too.”

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Right-Wing Media Figures Promote ‘Antifa Arsonist’ Hoax

The latest right-wing “antifa” hoax—namely, the claim that leftist arsonists have been secretly behind the wildfires that have swept the West Coast this month—is now being broadcast to millions of people. It bubbled up from the fever swamps of the far right, broadcast widely by key figures atop the media food chain: Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Fox News, and leading Republican political candidates.

Trump retweeted an alt-right-flavored anti-Biden video suggesting he was ignoring antifa arsonists threatening the suburbs. Rogan, a wildly popular podcast host, told his audience that “left-wing people” were responsible for the fires (and apologized for it the next day). Fox News appeared especially eager to blame antifa for the wildfires as a way of denying the role of climate change. And in Washington state, where the fires have hit hard, the Republican nominee in the governor’s race joined in spreading the claims through a campaign video.

The hoax—which originated with far-right conspiracy theorists in the Pacific Northwest already on the warpath with antifascists—has been denounced by law-enforcement and firefighting officials throughout the West Coast, notably in the rural areas threatened most by the wildfires. Sheriffs in most of these areas have taken to the same social-media platforms (particularly Facebook) where the false rumors have spread to plead with their constituents to stop spreading false information. Continue reading.

Bill Barr goes full-on right-wing nutjob

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Are you kidding me? Sedition? From 1798?

Just in case someone is not persuaded that this Trump Administration is falling off its rocker, the advice from Atty. Gen. William P. Barr to federal prosecutors to use a two-century-old law to stop people – no, specifically “violent” leftist protests outside federal courthouses – from seeking to overthrow the government should make us stop and scratch our collective heads.

For openers, protesting disproportionate police brutality against Black citizens is not calling for the overthrow of the government. Continue reading.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her life fighting double standards. Republicans should not embrace one to replace her.

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MALES DOMINATED the America into which Ruth Bader was born more than 87 years ago — to a degree today’s generations may find unimaginable. It was still the kind of country where almost all professional pursuits were for men only and marriage and child-bearing were the presumed destinies of every girl. Ruth Bader’s mother had been obliged by her struggling immigrant family to take a factory job so that they could afford to send her brother to college, even though she, too, had been a brilliant student who graduated high school at 15.

Indelibly affected by this injustice, and others, the woman who would become Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dedicated her life to defying and dismantling institutionalized gender discrimination, both on her own behalf and on behalf of all people. The America we inhabit today, where women fly military fighter jets, occupy a quarter of the U.S. Senate and account for half of all first-year law students, is a different and better — though still far from completely equal — nation, due in no small part to the courageous career of Justice Ginsburg, who died on Friday.

She passed away having attained not only the heights of the legal profession, but also, improbably enough, the status of feminist pop culture icon. Dubbed “the Notorious RBG” by youthful admirers, Justice Ginsburg by the time of her death was the subject of Hollywood movies, songsa board game and countless Internet memes. Justice Ginsburg clearly reveled in the acclaim and used the platform it gave her to encourage and influence young women. But there was nothing glamorous or frothy about the ferocious work ethic and attention to detail that enabled her to rise in the law decades earlier. Persuasive argumentation, not celebrity, won her five of the six gender-equality Supreme Court cases she litigated for the American Civil Liberties Union in the 1970s. Continue reading.

Rep. Heather Edelson Appointed to New Select Committee on Racial Justice; First Meeting Tomorrow at 1:00 PM

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SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Representative Heather Edelson (DFL-Edina), vice-chair of the House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division, has been appointed to a new Select Committee on Racial Justice. The first meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22 at 1pm. Live video will be available at

The agenda features a presentation called “What is racism?” led by Camara Phyllis Jones, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., followed by a presentation about maternal-child health mortality and morbidity led by Rachel Hardeman, Ph.D., M.P.H. A list of select committee members is available here

What:  New Minnesota House Select Committee on Racial Justice meets for the first time
When: Tuesday, September 22 at 1:00 pm


  • Rep. Heather Edelson, Select committee members 
  • Camara Phyllis Jones, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. 
  • Rachel Hardeman, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Watch:  Minnesota House website at or Facebook Live at 

Democrats break fundraising records after Ginsburg’s death

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The most prolific online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates and causes said Sunday morning that donors had contributed more than $91 million in the 28 hours after the Supreme Court announced that Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died.

ActBlue said Ginsburg’s death had led to an unprecedented surge of donations to progressive groups. Donors gave $6.3 million in just one hour late Friday and $70.6 million on Saturday, the platform said, both records for their respective time periods.

The previous daily record was nearly $42 million. The previous hourly record was a little more than $4 million. Continue reading.

New CNN Reporting Shows GOP Senate Candidate Jason Lewis Mocked Victim of Sexual Harassment at Elementary School, Chalked it up to ‘Teasing’ and ‘Billy’ Chasing ‘Susie’

New reporting from CNN on previously unreported video footage brings to light how GOP Senate candidate Jason Lewis mocked a victim of sexual harassment, who was a fifth grade girl at the time. Lewis dismissed the harassment–which included a male student grabbing the fifth grader’s breasts and telling her he wanted to “get in bed with her”–as “teasing” and “Billy” chasing “Susie.” Lewis made the comments while co-host of a public affairs show called Face-to-Face.

As CNN highlights, this is not the first time Lewis has mocked victims of sexual assault. This is also not the first time Lewis has refused to take responsibility for his past comments. When approached about the remarks Lewis made on Face-to-Face, Lewis and his team “did not respond to the substance of Lewis’ comments.”

You can read the CNN report here or below:

Continue reading “New CNN Reporting Shows GOP Senate Candidate Jason Lewis Mocked Victim of Sexual Harassment at Elementary School, Chalked it up to ‘Teasing’ and ‘Billy’ Chasing ‘Susie’”

How Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death could jeopardize the Affordable Care Act

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The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg injects fresh uncertainty into the future of the Affordable Care Act, as the Supreme Court prepares to consider anew the constitutionality of the law that has reshaped the United States’ health-care system in the past decade.

As the senior member of the court’s liberal bloc, Ginsburg was a reliable vote to uphold the ACA in the past and had been expected to do so when the high court reviews the law a third time in its coming term. The sudden shift in the court’s composition provides the latest lawsuit seeking to get rid of the health-care law a greater opportunity, though not a certain victory, while mobilizing Democratic and swing voters focused on the issue in the upcoming elections, according to legal scholars and political analysts.

“Ginsburg’s death is the nightmare scenario for the Affordable Care Act,” said Nicholas Bagley, a University of Michigan law professor who supports the law. “If the suit had a trivial chance of success yesterday, it has a new lease on life.” Continue reading.

Tickets to Hear Sen. Harris at the October 1 Humphrey-Mondale Dinner

This year’s Humphrey-Mondale dinner will be held virtually on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 5:30 PM. The party is pleased to welcome Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Tina Smith, Gov. Tim Walz, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and many more special guests. Click on the graphic above for more information.