McConnell Admits He Tolerated Trump’s Election Lies For Political Expediency

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell confirmed in an account published Sunday that he declined to publicly confront former President Donald Trump’s election lies because he did not want to upset Trump and wanted to win Senate elections in Georgia.

The Atlantic‘s Jonathan Karl reported that ahead of two January runoff Senate elections in Georgia, McConnell told then-Attorney General William Barr that he wanted Barr to confront Trump over his lies about the 2020 election results and would not do so himself.

“Look, we need the president in Georgia,” he said. According to Karl’s reporting, McConnell was afraid Trump would “sabotage” the Georgia campaigns if he declared Joe Biden had won the election. “And so we cannot be frontally attacking him right now. But you’re in a better position to inject some reality into this situation. You are really the only one who can do it.” Continue reading.

QAnon congresswoman predicts Arizona audit will prove Bill Barr let Trump’s victory be stolen

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) latest conspiracy is that former Attorney General Bill Barr is secretly part of the anti-Trump resistance.

According to Greene, Barr knew that the 2020 election was won by Donald Trump, but refused to fight for him. It’s for that reason that Greene thinks the GOP “audits” must continue, because they’ll vindicate Trump’s “Big Lie.”

“When that comes out, and the truth has shown that perhaps election fraud did happen, and President (Donald) Trump really won. then we’re going to see people that should have acted like William Barr, like our secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, and many others, we’re going to see them with mud on their faces,” Greene rambled to Newsmax on Monday. Continue reading.

Wisconsin Doctors Slam Johnson For Hosting Anti-Vaccination Event

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Medical experts are criticizing Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) for his decision to hold a vaccine skepticism event even as most new deaths connected to the COVID-19 pandemic are occurring among unvaccinated people.

Johnson announced on Friday that he would hold a media event the following Monday to discuss purported adverse reactions to the vaccines. The senator said that he would be joined at the event by the wife of a former Green Bay Packers player who claims to have experienced problems after being vaccinated.

Johnson told a local outlet he was not anti-vaccine, but insisted, “I don’t think you can ignore some of the issues, some of the problems.” Continue reading.

Trump has now blamed both Barr and McConnell for Biden’s victory – and a presidential historian just published a hilarious response

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Republican infighting continues to escalate in the GOP’s civil war over who is to blame for Joe Biden living in the White House.

Donald Trump has refused to concede that he decisively lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden, who received over 7 million more votes than the incumbent.

With Trump refusing to admit defeat, Republicans have spent little time debating why they lost the White House despite all of the advantages of incumbency. Instead, they have focused on what happened after Trump’s defeat as he sought to overturn the results. Continue reading.

Opinion: The man who will never go away

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Donald Trump is back, possibly at his party’s peril

There is a time-honored spy story plot: A retired CIA agent, tired of the clandestine life, has retreated to an island in Mediterranean. One day up the dirt road to his hideaway comes his former CIA station chief luring him back for one last mission. 

Saturday night, Donald Trump lured everyone back to his alternative universe of crazed conspiracies about a “rigged” election. His 91-minute speech in Wellington, Ohio, was the start of his vengeance tour against Republicans like nearby Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, who voted to impeach Trump for fomenting the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. 

Equally predictable, but far more devastating, is the beginning of the onslaught of books featuring dramatic scenes from inside the Trump Oval Office. We have, of course, had articles and books like this before, but this time around the sources are finally talking on-the-record instead of lurking in the shadows.  Continue reading.

Walz takes executive action on police reform as state leaders urged to do more

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He acts on eve of House vote on public safety package that activists call insufficient. 

Gov. Tim Walz is taking executive action on an array of public safety and policing proposals amid intense criticism by Democrats and community activists over a law enforcement spending agreement they say is inadequate.

Walz said he would use $15 million in COVID-19 relief money to pay for community violence prevention grants, increase data sharing from the state’s police licensing board and order state-level law enforcement agencies to share footage of deadly police encounters with relatives of those killed within five days.

“Those are things people are asking for. Those build trust,” Walz said. “They build trust in police, they build trust in the systems, they build trust amongst communities, and they provide the community with some basic closure and understanding for families.” Continue reading.

Arizona’s Maricopa County will replace voting equipment, fearful that GOP-backed election review has compromised security

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Arizona’s Maricopa County announced Monday that it will replace voting equipment that was turned over to a private contractor for a Republican-commissioned review of the 2020 presidential election, concerned that the process compromised the security of the machines.

Officials from Maricopa, the state’s largest county and home to Phoenix, provided no estimates of the costs involved but have previously said that the machines cost millions to acquire.

“The voters of Maricopa County can rest assured, the County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections,” the county said in a statement. “As a result, the County will not use the subpoenaed equipment in any future elections.” Continue reading.

House to vote on bill launching probe of Jan. 6 insurrection

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WASHINGTON — A new committee to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol would have 13 members and the power to subpoena witnesses, according to legislation released by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The House is expected to vote on the bill this week. 

The effort comes after Senate Republicans blocked the formation of an independent, bipartisan commission to probe the attack, in which hundreds of former President Donald Trump’s supporters violently broke into the Capitol and interrupted the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory. 

The new, partisan House panel would have eight members appointed by Pelosi and five appointed “after consultation with” Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. A Pelosi aide said the speaker is considering including a Republican among her appointments, which would bring the likely partisan split to 7-6. The aide was granted anonymity to discuss her thinking.

Pelosi said in a statement Monday that Jan. 6 was “one of the darkest days in our nation’s history” and that the committee will seek the truth about it. Continue reading.

MSNBC host delivers a rapid-fire list of the evidence that has emerged to confirm Trump’s fascism

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Progressive firebrand Mehdi Hasan angered many Republicans during the 2020 summer when he described former President Donald Trump as a “fascist.” Hasan, now an MSNBC host, revisited that subject over the weekend on his Sunday-night program, saying that he now believes his anti-Trump statements of the past might have been an “understatement.” 

Hasan, during what he describes as one of his “one-minute rants,” recalled that when he was sitting in for MSNBC’s Chris Hayes last year, he “used the F word in relation to Donald Trump.”

“A lot of people, even some on the left, lost their minds,” Hasan told viewers. “I was accused of hyperbole and exaggeration, fear-mongering.”

The MSNBC host went on to explain why, if anything, he “understated” how dangerous Trump is. Continue reading.

In the Know: June 30, 2021

DFL In the Know Graphic

DFL Party News
DFL Party Hires New Finance Director, DFL Press Release

Governor Tim Walz
Gov. Tim Walz proposes end to COVID-19 emergency powers Thursday, Star Tribune
Walz signs 3 more omnibus budget bills, KSTP

Minnesota Legislature
Minnesota lawmakers close ‘intoxication loophole’ in rape law, Pioneer Press
Dead of night legislating: Lawmakers pass public safety bill, end governor’s emergency powers, MN Reformer

Continue reading “In the Know: June 30, 2021”