Sen. Ann Johnson Stewart Update: July 2, 2021

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A message from your Senator

Constituents and friends,

On Tuesday, we finished passing all of the budget bills required to avoid a government shutdown, and I’m glad we satisfied the most basic requirement of our job as legislators by passing Minnesota’s budget on time. As the only divided legislature in the country, policy compromises were inevitable, but it would’ve been truly irresponsible to waste taxpayer funds and harm many people’s lives and livelihoods with a shutdown.

While there are good provisions in each budget bill that will directly and materially improve the lives of Minnesotans, thanks largely to the passionate advocacy of my Senate and House DFL colleagues, we could’ve aimed higher and done far more with our resources. We have a long way to go before we’ve secured a truly safe and sustainable future for our state, and I’m committed to continuing that work.

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House approves select committee to investigate Jan. 6 Capitol riot

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The House voted 222-190 on Wednesday to create a select committee to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Why it matters: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi moved forward with the creation of a committee controlled by Democrats after Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would have established a bipartisan 9/11-style commission to probe the Jan. 6 attack.

  • Only two House Republicans, Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) voted for the select committee, whereas 35 Republicans had previously voted for the bipartisan commission. Continue reading.

Top Texas elected official accused of ‘punishing dissidents’ after bragging about ‘canceling’ history discussion

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Texas Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who is the most powerful elected official in the Lone Star State, has personally attacked what the right likes to call “cancel culture.” But on Friday he bragged about engaging in it himself – literally.

“As a member of the Preservation Board, I told staff to cancel this event as soon as I found out about it,” he tweeted.

Patrick is referring to an event at Texas’ Bullock State History Museum. The museum “abruptly pulled out” of the event on Thursday, which would have featured “a new book that re-examines the story of The Alamo.” The event’s cancelation prompted “claims of state censorship from its authors,” The San Antonio Express News reports. Continue reading.

Rep. Michael Howard (HD50A) Update: July 2, 2021

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Dear Neighbors,

In the earlier hours of July 1, 2021 – the longest legislative session came to an end – at least that’s what it has felt like. We have essentially been in session for a year and half, since the pandemic began more than a year ago. Although a bit weary, and with a long to-do list still remaining, we have accomplished much in our work together. 

We made the health of Minnesotans our top priority. Working with Governor Walz, we put in place the tools necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus, saving countless lives. Today, we are at a 70% vaccination rate of Minnesota’s adults, another milestone in our collective efforts to beat the virus.

We worked to protect the economic security of Minnesotans, especially those most impacted by the pandemic. COVID-19 has not been fair in any sense of the word. But through rental assistanceextended unemployment and other means, we strived to help Minnesotans keep their heads above water so they could provide and care for their families throughout the pandemic.

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Rep. Cedrick Frazier (HD45A) Update: July 2, 2021

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Dear Neighbors, 

Early Thursday morning, we adjourned the Minnesota House after finalizing our budgets and coming to an agreement on budget bills. The past year, and the few weeks over time were well worth the outcome! We were able to deliver strong budget bills to ensure that Minnesotans have accessibility and a good quality of life. Our budget invests in the people. It aims to improve and recover the conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier today, Gov. Walz signed the remaining budget bills into law. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been able to pass several key bipartisan budgets in a number of areas to ensure Minnesotans can access resources, investments and recover from the impacts of this pandemic.  If you’d like to get caught up on the bills we’ve passed the last two weeks, you can find nonpartisan summaries of the bills and the process around them here:

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Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: July 2, 2021

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Dear Edina Neighbors and Community Members,

Early Thursday morning, we adjourned the Minnesota House after passing our last budget bills and the Taxes Omnibus Bill. We were able to deliver strong bipartisan budget bills to ensure that Minnesotans have accessibility and a good quality of life. Our budget invests in the success of our State and its people. It delivers a tax bill that supports business by investing in grants and by not taxing any of the PPP loans that businesses received to stay afloat during the pandemic. I am proud to report that yesterday, Gov. Walz finished signing all 2021 budget bills into law. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been able to pass several key bipartisan budgets in a number of areas to ensure Minnesotans can access resources, investments and recover from the impacts of this pandemic.  If you’d like to get caught up on the bills we’ve passed the last two weeks, you can find nonpartisan summaries of the bills and the process around them here:

Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: July 2, 2021”

Gov. Walz and Lt. Gov. Flanagan Update: July 2, 2021

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Governor Tim Walz Delivers Minnesota’s COVID-19 Recovery Budget

Gov. Walz Singing COVID-19 Recovery Budget

As Minnesota emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Tim Walz signed Minnesota’s COVID-19 Recovery Budget—Minnesota’s state budget for the next two years. The bipartisan budget includes Governor Walz’s priorities to invest in small businesses and drive economic recovery, ensure students catch up on learning to succeed for years to come, and support essential workers and working families.

“Together, we made it through this pandemic, we got the vaccine, and now, with Minnesota’s COVID-19 Recovery Budget, we are on our way back, stronger than ever,” said Governor Walz.

Continue reading “Gov. Walz and Lt. Gov. Flanagan Update: July 2, 2021”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski Update: July 2, 2021

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June 30, 2021

Upcoming SD 48 Town Hall

7-6-21 SD48 Town Hall

Mark your calendars! This coming Tuesday, July 6, my house colleagues and I will be hosting a virtual town hall meeting from 9:30 – 10:30am.

You can RSVP in advance at the event page by clicking HERE, and you can ask us questions in advance by clicking HERE.

You will be able to watch live or view a recording from any of our Facebook pages. Mine can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski Update: July 2, 2021”

Historians give Trump brutal grades in new survey — and rank him worse than the president who died after a month

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C-SPAN on Wednesday released its latest rankings of American presidents as determined by dozens of prominent historians — and it revealed some very unwelcome news for former President Donald Trump.

Overall, historians ranked Trump as the fourth-worst president ever, coming in one spot below former President William Henry Harrison, who died after just one month in office.

The only presidents on the list to rank worse than Trump were Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan. Continue reading.