Not certain what district you live in? Visit the Secretary of State’s Pollfinder. Enter the requested information to find out what Senate and House District you live in, as well as where you vote.
President Joe Biden
Visit the White House website here.
Like President Biden’s Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter here.
Vice President Kamala Harris
Visit the White House website here.
Like Vice President Harris’ Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @VP.

U. S. Senior Senator
Our senior Senator is Sen. Amy Klobuchar.
Please visit her website for more information. You can follow her on Twitter @AmyKlobuchar and like her page on Facebook here.

U.S. Junior Senator
Our Senator is Sen. Tina Smith. Please visit her website for more information.
You can follow Sen. Smith on Twitter @TinaFlintSmith and like her page on Facebook here.

U.S. Congressman
Our U.S. Congressman is Dean Phillips.
Visit Rep. Phillips’ official website here. Like his Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter at @RepDeanPhillips.

Governor and Lt. Governor
Our Governor is Tim Walz. Our Lt. Governor is Peggy Flanagan
Visit the Governor and Lt. Governor’s website here.
Like Gov. Walz’ Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter @GovTimWalz
Like Lt. Gov. Flanagan’s Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @LtGovFlanagan.

Secretary of State
Our Secretary of State is Steve Simon.
Visit his website for more information. You can follow him on Twitter @MNSteveSimon and like his page on Facebook here.

Attorney General
Our Attorney General is Keith Ellison.
Visit Attorney General Ellison’s official website here. Like his Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter @AGEllison.

State Auditor
Our State Auditor is Julie Blaha.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here.

House District 33B
Our State House Representative is Dr. Kelly Morrison.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here.

House District 34B
Our State House Representative is Kristin Bahner.
Visit Rep. Bahner’s official website here. Like her Facebook page here.

Senate District 36
Our State Senator is John Hoffman.
Visit his legislative website for more information. You can follow him on Twitter @JohnHoffmanMN and like his Facebook page here.

House District 36A
Our State House Representative is Zack Stephenson.
Visit his official website here. Like his Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter @repzackstephenson.

House District 36B
Our State House Representative is Speaker Melissa Hortman.
Visit her legislative website for more information. You can follow her on Twitter @melissahortman, visit her campaign website and like her Facebook page here.
Rep. Hortman is the Speaker of the House.

Senate District 37
Our State Senator is Jerry Newton.
Here’s a link to his legislative website. Please visit his website here. And, like his Facebook page here.

House District 37A
Our State House Representative is Erin Koegel.
Please like her Facebook page here. And, visit her website here.

Senate District 40
Our State Senator is Chris Eaton.
Visit her legislative website for more information. You can follow her on Twitter @EatonSenator and like her Facebook page here.

House District 40A
Our State House Representative is Mike Nelson.
Visit his legislative website for more information. You can like his Facebook page here.

House District 40B
Our State House Representative is Samantha Vang.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @representativesamanagavang.

Senate District 44
Our State Senator-Elect is Ann Johnson-Stewart.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @AnnJSMN.

House District 44A
Our State House Representative is Ginny Klevorn.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @RepKlevorn.

House District 44B
Our State House Representative is Patty Acomb.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here.

Senate District 45
Our State Senator is Ann Rest.
Visit her legislative website for more information. You can follow her on Twitter @SenatorAnn and like her Facebook profile here.

House District 45A
Our State House Representative is Cedrick Frazier.
Please visit his legislative website here.

Senate District 46
Our State Senator is Ron Latz.
Visit his legislative website for more information. You can follow him on Twitter @SenRonLatz and like his Facebook page here.

House District 46A
Our State House Representative is Majority Leader Ryan Winkler.
Visit his legislative website for more information. Like his Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter @repryanwinkler.

Senate District 48
Our State Senator is Steve Cwodzinski.
Visit his website for more information. You can follow him on Twitter at @cwodsquad. And, like his Facebook page here.

House District 48A
Our State House Representative is Laurie Pryor.
Follow her on Twitter at @lauirepryor. Like her Facebook page here. Visit her website here.

House District 48B
Our State House Representative is Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn.
Visit Rep Kotyza-Witthuhn’s official website here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @repcarliekw.

Senate District 49
Our State Senator for District 49 is Melisa Franzen.
To visit her legislative page, click here. You can follow her on Twitter at @MelisaLFranzen. And, please like her Facebook page here.

House District 49A
Our State House Representative is Heather Edelson.
Visit her official website here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @RepHeatherEdelson.

House District 49B
Our State House Representative is Steve Elkins,
Visit his official website here. Like his Facebook page here.

Senate District 50
Our State Senator is Melissa Wiklund.
To visit her legislative page, click here. Like her Facebook page here. Follow her on Twitter @mhwiklund.

House District 50A
Our State House Representative is Mike Howard.
Visit his official website here. Like his Facebook page here. Follow him on Twitter @MichaelHowardMN.

House District 50B
Our State House Representative is Andrew Carlson.
To visit his legislative page, click here. To visit his Facebook page, click here. Follow him on Twitter @RepAndrewCarlson.

Hennepin County Attorney
Our Hennepin County Attorney is Mike O. Freeman.
To visit his website, click here. To visit the Hennepin County Attorney Facebook page, click here.

Hennepin County Sheriff
Our Hennepin County Sheriff is Dave Hutchinson.
Visit his Hennepin County website here. Follow him on Twitter @davehutch2018.

Hennepin County District 5
Our County Commissioner for this seat is Debbie Goettel.
Please visit her website here. And, like her Facebook page here.

Hennepin County District 6
Our County Commissioner-Elect for this seat is Chris LaTondresse.
Visit his website here.

Hennepin County District 7
Our County Commissioner-Elect for this seat is Kevin Anderson.
Visit his website here.

Brooklyn Park City Council, West
Our Council Member is Susan Pha.
You can visit her website here. And, like her Facebook page here.

Eden Prairie City Council
Our Council Member PG Narayanan.
Visit the City of Eden Prairie’s website here.

Eden Prairie City Council
Our Council Member Lisa Toomey.
Visit the City of Eden Prairie’s website here.

Eden Prairie School Board (ISD272)
Our School Board Member Kim Ross.
Visit the Eden Prairie School Board website here.

Robbinsdale School Board (ISD279)
Our School Board Member is Helen J. Bassett.
More information here.

Osseo School Board (ISD279)
Our School Board Member-Elect is Tamara Grady.
Visit the Osseo School District website here.