On Typically Unifying 9/11, Trump Attacks His Domestic Foes

On somber anniversary, president dubs DOJ, FBI ’so terrible‘

President Donald Trump began the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by lashing out at his own political foes. Credit: Getty Images

Wreaths were laid and bells tolled Tuesday for the fallen in Manhattan, at the Pentagon and in a field in Pennsylvania. Officials spoke, as did Vice President Mike Pence, about “honor and remembrance.” But President Donald Trump started off the 9/11 anniversary by lashing out at his political opponents.

“For the families of the fallen and all those looking on, the cherished final moments with your loved ones … seem like yesterday. Just know that your nation understands,” Pence said at the Pentagon, striking the tone George W. Bush and Barack Obamaadministration officials did on Sept. 11 anniversaries past.

“While we all suffered loss that day, we know you bear a special burden,” Pence said. “We stand with you. And we always will.”

View the complete article by John T. Bennett posted on the Roll Call website September 11, 2018 here.

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