Mike Pompeo reportedly told Republicans he plans to resign to protect his reputation. Good luck with that

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been very quiet as witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump tie him directly to the extortion scheme carried out by the administration and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Now a new report indicates that Pompeo has reportedly told three prominent Republicans that he intends to resign.

But Pompeo isn’t resigning for reasons of principle or because he has been implicated in an impeachable crime. Instead, he “is now concerned that his connection to Mr. Trump” is hurting his reputation. And he wants out of Dodge to run as a Republican candidate for Senate in Kansas.

That a man in significant danger of being himself impeached, if not indicted, would consider himself to still be a top Republican political candidate is remarkable, but that’s exactly what’s happening. He continues to be heavily recruited by national Republicans, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee, to enter the race in Kansas.

View the complete November 20 article from Daily Kos on the AlterNet website here.

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